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Manufacturers rely on polymer laboratories to test the polymers they use in their products for any variety of reasons. Whether testing is needed to address a quality control concern, ensure regulation compliance, promote safety performance, conduct preventative maintenance, carry out a failure analysis, or determine the materialโ€™s identity, Applied Technical Services’ polymer laboratories can supply clients with the insight they need to achieve these goals.

ATS is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accredited to perform more than twenty polymer-related testing methods to nearly four dozen widely recognized industry standards. Our polymer laboratories employ veteran chemists, engineers and technicians, who return accurate findings quickly because of their familiarity with performing relevant methods of polymer analysis. They utilize a wide variety of polymer testing methods to discern the chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of sample materials. The following table reflects the polymer-related test methods that ATS performs to their internationally recognized standards:

Polymer Laboratories Testing Capabilities

Accelerated Weathering (UV Degradation)ASTM G154

ISO 11507

A2LA Accredited
Charpy ImpactASTM D6110

ISO 179
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (via TMA)ASTM E831

A2LA Accredited
Color TestingASTM D2244

ISO 7724

A2LA Accredited
Compression Set for Durability and ElasticityASTM D395
Compressive StrengthASTM D695
Dielectric Strength / BreakdownMIL-STD-202G Method 301

IEC 60243

A2LA Accredited
Durometer HardnessASTM D2240

DIN 53505

A2LA Accredited
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)ASTM D5023

ASTM D5026

ASTM D5418

ASTM D4065

ASTM E1640

A2LA Accredited
Failure Analysis of PlasticsATS Proc. 931

ASM HBK Vol.11

A2LA Accredited
Filler Content, Dehydration / Desolvation, and Decomposition Analysis
(via Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA))
ASTM E1131

ASTM E1641

ASTM E1868

A2LA Accredited
FlammabilityUL 94

A2LA Accredited
Flexural StrengthASTM D790

ISO 178

A2LA Accredited
Glass Transition, Melting Point, Crystallinity, Heat Capacity (via DSC)ASTM D3418

ASTM E1356



A2LA Accredited
Heat Aging and Thermal StabilityVarious Standards
Heat Deflection Temperature Under a Load (DTUL)ASTM D648

ISO 75-1
Inherent / Intrinsic ViscosityASTM D2857


ASTM D1243

ASTM D1601

ASTM D4603

ASTM D3591

ISO 307:2007
Izod ImpactASTM D256

A2LA Accredited
Melt Flow RateASTM D1238
Polymer Identification (via FTIR)ASTM E1252

A2LA Accredited
Specular GlossASTM D523

ISO 2813

A2LA Accredited
Tensile Strength of PolymersASTM D412


ISO 527-1

DIN 53504

A2LA Accredited
Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)ASTM E1545


A2LA Accredited
Coating ImpactASTM D2794

ISO 6272-1

A2LA Accredited

ATS’ Commitment to Quality

ATS has provided world-class testing, engineering consulting, and inspection services for over 50 years. We serve clients the world over who hail from a variety of different industries. To ensure the excellence and consistency of our services, our polymer labs operate according to our ISO 9001:2015 registered quality management system. By adhering to the principles outlined in this internationally recognized standard on quality assurance practices, ATS is able to provide continually improving customer service. Our policy is to provide clients with:

  • Engaged, Accessible, and Responsive Personnel
  • Clear, Accurate, and Detailed Test Results
  • Quick Turnaround Times

ATS is equipped to handle whatever polymer testing needs your company may face. Contact our polymer laboratories today – We take a closer look.

We’re here to help.

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