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Applied Technical Services performs formaldehyde testing to help clients remain compliant with government regulations and industry standards on consumer safety.

Formaldehyde: Uses and Dangers

Formaldehyde is a chemical used in processed woods (particleboard, medium density fiberboard, etc.), glues and fabrics just to name a few. Characteristics of formaldehyde include: colorless, highly flammable, and a strong odor. Formaldehyde is used in products for a variety of reasons: fabrics for permanent-press and in processed woods to help the wood layers/pieces adhere together.

Formaldehyde is considered a volatile organic compound (VOC), which means products containing formaldehyde may emit it and release formaldehyde into the environment. This off-gassing can potentially be a health hazard, which leads to the heightened concern regarding the safe use of formaldehyde in products. The automotive industry is particularly interested in curbing formaldehyde emissions in interior automotive components. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) specifies emission limits based on the type of manufactured/engineered wood and the Environmental Product Agency (EPA) is still in a state of review with plans to formulate regulations impacting the use of formaldehyde in a variety of products.

Popular Formaldehyde Testing Standards

  • AATCC Test Method 112-2008 Formaldehyde Release from Fabric, Determination of: Sealed Jar Method
  • ASTM D5582-00 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood Products Using a Desiccator
  • EN ISO 14184-1:1999-02 Determination of Formaldehyde – Part 1: Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde (water extraction method) (ISO 14184-1:1998)
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