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Applied Technical Services is a nationally known engineering, testing and inspection company that offers gear failure analysis services. We provide service to a wide variety of clients.

ATS’ Gear Failure Analysis Services

Our services consist of consulting engineering for product design and production processes; quality assurance inspections for product reliability and consistency; and product testing and analysis for gears that have failed while in service. Typically, our experts will perform inspections in our technically advanced labs or, if required, they will travel to the location where the gear failure occurred to gather the background information that may be necessary to evaluate the root cause of the failure. We provide detailed reports that reflect accurate inspection results.

Our gear failure analysis will take into consideration manufacturing processes, environmental influence, along with proper installation, service and maintenance practices. Depending on initial visual observations which may reveal certain indicators, we provide a series of tests that will help us determine the root cause of the failure. These tests may include metallurgical analysis confirming proper manufacturing materials and heat treat practices, or field vibrations analysis measuring environmental impacts.

Common Test Techniques and Capabilities

Common Causes of Gear Failure

  • Contact Fatigue
  • Corrosion
  • Wear
  • Overload
  • Improper Case Hardening
  • Misalignment
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