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ATS offers a complete range of automotive testing services from chemical to mechanical and environmental testing. We perform the following methods of Volkswagen SAE standards testing to ensure that parts and materials are consistent with industry standards, government regulations, and consumer expectations.

Reference SpecsTests
(DIN 53479) DIN EN ISO 1183-1Density
ISO 11357 / DSC Method (Substituted for ISO 3146)Melting Temperature
DIN EN ISO 1133-A, Code TMelt Mass-Flow Rate
DIN EN ISO 1172Ignition Residue
DIN EN ISO 527-1Breaking Stress
DIN EN ISO 527-2Yield Stress / Tensile Strength
DIN EN ISO 178Flexural Strength
DIN EN ISO 178a. Modulus of Elasticity โ€” Room temperature
b. Modulus of Elasticity โ€” High temperature
c. Modulus of Elasticity โ€” Low Temperature
DIN EN ISO 179-1/1eU; DIN EN ISO 179-1Un-Notched Impact Strength / (Charpy) Impact Resistance
DIN EN ISO 179-1/1eA; DIN EN ISO 179-1Notched Impact Strength / Charpy Impact Resistance
DIN EN ISO 306 / A50 or B50Vicat Softening Temperature/ Dimensional Stability
ASTM E1252-98 (2013)Material FTIR
DIN 53497Elevated Temperature Behavior
DIN 53491Elevated Temperature Behavior
DIN 53497Low Temperature Behavior
PV 3905Ball Drop Test
PV 3929Kalahari Test
PV 3930Florida Test
 Resistance to Aging
 Resistance to Agents
TL211Paint Coating
TL226Thermal Conditioning
PV 3925Formaldehyde Emissions
PV 3341Emission of Organic Compounds / Total Emissions / VOC
VW 50180Emission of Organic Compounds / Total Emissions / VOC
PV 3015Condensable Constituents / Emission Behavior (Fogging)
PV 3900Odor
PV 1303Lightfastness / Colorfastness / High Temperature Light Exposure
PV 1306Tackiness
PV 1200Environmental Cycle
PV 2005Environmental Cycle
Initial Condition per DIN EN ISO 2409Cross-Cut Adhesion
 Aging at Elevated Temperature
DIN EN ISO 6270-2Condensed Water Constant Climate
 Corrosion Cycle
PV 3906Abrasion:
โ€“ 100 Crockmeter Strokes w/Dry Cloth
โ€“ 100 Crockmeter Strokes w/Moist Cloth
โ€“ 2000 Crockmeter Strokes w/Dry Cloth per
 Resistance to Agents โ€” Drop Test
 Abrasion Behavior โ€” Cleaning Agents
PV 3964Cream Resistance
TL 1010Burning Behavior / Flammability
VW 50190Colorimetric Evaluation
 Environmental Aging
 Heat Aging
PV 3904Low Temperature Aging
PV 3937Amine Behavior
 Resistance to Cleaning Agents
 Cleaning Behavior
 Low Temperature Behavior
 Elevated Temperature Behavior
PV 3966Stress Whitening
Section 5.6Low Temperature Behavior
 Color Analysis
 Heat Aging
PV 2034Adhesion of Decorated Material
DIN EN ISO 1172Glass Fiber Content
Section 3.2Moisture Content
DIN EN ISO 2039-1Ball Indention Hardness
DIN EN ISO 307Viscosity Number
 Aging Resistance
DIN 53505Hardness Test (Shore D)
DIN EN ISO 1172Mineral Content
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