Page for Posts: 47549
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Applied Technical Services, LLC uses a wide variety of mechanical and metallurgical testing techniques and standards to answer our clients’ weld testing needs. Our team of weld experts includes Certified Welders, Certified Weld Inspectors, Professional Engineers, API Inspectors, Chemists, and ASNT-TC-1A Certified NDT Technicians.

Reasons to Request Weld Testing

Many companies require their welders to be qualified — a process that involves an application of their welding knowledge and assessment of their work. ATS is able to test all aspects of weld procedure and performance qualifications by conducting destructive and nondestructive tests to ensure conformance to the requirements of applicable codes and standards.

We offer a wide scope of weld testing services. Whether clients need us to help develop welding procedure specifications or conduct welding procedure and performance qualifications, our technical staff can ensure that completed welds perform as intended. We specialize in testing to ASME, AWS, API, NAVSEA, MIL-STD, and PED/EN standards.

Our Weld Assessment Methods

Leave your weld testing needs to us – Applied Technical Services has been offering superior testing and inspection services for over 50 years. We are known for our weld testing work in the manufacturing, power generation, nuclear, automotive, aerospace, steel, commercial infrastructure, and petrochemical industries.

If you are searching for an experienced weld testing service provider, contact us today. Our services are complemented by comprehensive reporting, timely turnaround, and helpful client support.

Customer Service Representative, Ready to Help Direct You to the People Who can Help

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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