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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) performs plastic bend testing to evaluate the flexibility of plastic materials. Plastic materials are a popular choice amongst manufacturers across various sectors and industries/ They’re incredibly versatile materials, making them a cost-effective and convenient option for many, but regardless of their intended application, plastics should undergo testing to ensure they’re suitable for specific conditions. Our polymer testing lab is led by passionate and informed experts dedicated to delivering answers and insight to our clients seeking to learn more about their product’s potential.

What are Plastic Bend Tests?

Plastic bend tests offer manufacturers the opportunity to evaluate their products’ resistance to deformation when exposed to bending loads. Certain applications may require that plastic undergo bending-related stress, so plastic bend tests are instrumental in preparing products for their intended use. Bend tests reveal important information about a plastic’s resistance to bending, load-bearing capacity, and overall stiffness.  

About Our Bend Testing Services

Our accredited polymer testing lab conducts plastic bend tests by our clients’ specifications as well as those issued by popular associations such as ASTM and ISO. We employ passionate and highly educated experts with the expertise needed to determine various physical properties of plastic samples. In addition to our bend tests, we offer numerous tests that evaluate the performance of plastic materials, including:

  • Flexural strength testing
  • Failure analysis
  • Fracture analysis
  • Hardness testing

The Importance of Bend Testing

In order to optimize material selection processes and maintain compliance with industry regulations, manufacturers must evaluate their products to better understand their behavior. Testing allows manufacturers to identify and resolve any weaknesses within a product’s design which reduces the likelihood of product failures, recalls, and consumer dissatisfaction with a product.

About the ATS Family of Companies

The ATS FoC is committed to providing prompt and professional services for clients across numerous commercial industries. Our A2LA-accredited labs carry out an expansive list of inspection, testing, and analysis services that help our clients comply with regulations and remain competitive in ever-evolving industries. For more information about our capabilities, please complete a web request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227.

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