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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers polymer bend testing services that evaluate the performance and characteristics of polymers. Polymers are widely used across industries because they’re very versatile materials that can be customized to fit the specific demands of different applications. Our state-of-the-art polymer testing lab has the equipment and staff needed to evaluate polymers, providing important insight into their potential.

What is Polymer Bend Testing?

Polymer bend testing is the process of determining a polymer’s ability to undergo bending forces without breaking. The mechanical tests are a highly effective way for engineers to observe how different stress loads impact a material, providing critical insight into the behavior a material may exhibit in a real-world application. During the testing process, a technician places the specimen on a three or four-point testing machine and applies a controlled load at a predetermined rate. The testing machine’s data collection program measures and saves the data, allowing technicians to analyze data on the following:

  • Flexural modulus
  • Flexural strength
  • Stress-strain curve

More About Our Bend Testing Services

Our polymer testing lab has the resources needed to service a diverse range of clients who operate in various industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and consumer product industries and applications. Our technicians prioritize the needs of our clients, so they work diligently to conduct tests with precision and care, providing clear and concise reports upon the completion of a service. Our services offer a great way for businesses to ensure their products perform as expected when exposed to specific conditions.

Why are Polymer Bend Tests Important?

Polymer testing is an important asset to manufacturers because it allows them to make informed decisions about the end-use of their products. The information collected from a bend test is beneficial because it helps do the following:

  • Sustain or improve quality control efforts
  • Optimize a product’s design, improving manufacturing efficiency
  • Maintain product safety, preventing product failures

Our Commitment to Quality

The ATS FoC recognizes the impact that our clients have on their customers and local and greater communities. We take immense pride in our ability to assist companies as they improve their services, comply with regulations, and learn more about their product’s potential. Please give us a call at +1 (888) 287-5227  to speak with an ATS representative about how we can help address your business’s needs.

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