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Applied Technical Services’ Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI) have been certified through the American Welding Society (AWS). ATS has established an excellent reputation for having well-trained, professional welding inspectors who are customer service oriented.  Due to our in-depth experience with various AWS codes, attention to detail, and our strict compliance with certified and accredited quality assurance programs, you can be confident in receiving accurate weld inspection reports which will not only highlight quality workmanship, but proper discontinuity documentation in case of unsatisfactory welds.

Our AWS CWIs offer laboratory and field inspection services nationally and internationally. We routinely perform weld inspections on bridges, pressure vessels, piping, valves, structures and manufactured components for various industries. Over the years we have established ongoing relationships with hundreds of clients in the power generation (fossil, hydroelectric, renewable energy, nuclear), automotive, aircraft, maritime, offshore drilling, general manufacturing, and construction industries.

Our certified welding inspectors also provide traditional and advanced weld testing.  Our testing services include nondestructive, mechanical and metallurgical testing. 

Weld Inspector Capabilities:

Weld Testing Capabilities:

Other Services:

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