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Applied Technical Services (ATS) performs guided bend tests to determine the condition and strength of a weld at the face and root of a welded joint. Clients typically request this testing as a quality assurance measure to verify the strength of the weld in question. Although testing specifications will vary, this method most frequently calls for technicians to bend the test specimen to a 180-degree angle either longitudinally or transverse to its weld axis. Guided bend tests represent a quick and cost-effective method to determine the integrity of a weld. The most commonly found weldment defects include discontinuities such as cracks, inclusions, lack of sidewall or root fusion, inadequate penetration, excessive undercut, or severe porosity.

ATS’ technicians implement this test for welder performance qualifications, procedure qualifications, and material qualifications. Our analysis can confirm whether the heat affected zone (HAZ) and the weld metal have the correct mechanical properties from properly combined weld and base materials. Our technicians work with our clients to identify and assist with their testing needs. Our capabilities include detailed reports and accurate data within a quick turnaround.

Specifications and Procedures

Some of the specifications and procedures involved in bend testing include, but are not limited to:

  • Bend tests are applied for assessing welds for welder performance qualification testing and welding procedure qualification
  • Guided bend test is the most common flexural test
  • Bend tests may bend the specimen in the direction of the face, towards the root, or sideways
  • Certain materials are required by specifications and codes usually involving elongation
  • The result of elongating a sample allows for measurement and evaluation/analysis

Bend Testing Standards:

  • ASTM E190-92
  • BS EN 910
  • Various AWS Welding Codes
  • ASME BPVC Section IX
  • ISO 9606 and 15614 Part 1
  • Numerous other Welding and Materials Specifications

ATS – Quality Testing and Inspection Services

Since our establishment over five decades ago, Applied Technical Services has earned national and international recognition in inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services. ATS’ weld testing experts work with clients in numerous industries such as aerospace, automotive, commercial construction, manufacturing, military/defense, petrochemical, power generation, steel, and shipyards/maritime. Our knowledge and capabilities focus on delivering accurate results, quality assurance, and reduced cost for guided bend testing in accordance with industry standards and specifications. Contact ATS for more information today.

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