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Reliability Testing Services (RTS), a member of the ATS Family of Companies, can develop or supplement your predictive maintenance program with our reliability services. We specialize in predictive technologies, facilitating a proactive approach to equipment maintenance by predicting and preventing failures. Our experienced staff uses state-of-the-art inspection technologies to assist commercial and industrial clients.

Predictive Maintenance Advantages

Predictive maintenance technologies allow technicians to investigate equipment for early warning signs of failure. RTS monitors client equipment with this technology to predict asset failure and avoid breakdowns. Our services help clients minimize unplanned downtime and risks. Predictive maintenance also avoids problems performing unnecessary maintenance.

Time-based maintenance could potentially generate excess expenses from unnecessary repairs. Using predictive maintenance, we can identify precisely where and when repairs are necessary. Predictive maintenance can also help clients extend asset life by optimizing operational performance factors for more efficient use.

Our condition-based maintenance approach promotes safe, reliable equipment operation. We can design predictive maintenance programs from scratch or supplement clients’ existing programs for any length of time they need.

Our Testing Capabilities

RTS experts have extensive experience assessing client equipment with numerous predictive technologies. Our versatile range of testing methods ensures that our certified technicians can conduct thorough inspections. We use infrared thermography to collect visual imaging of temperature in real-time, detecting problems such as motor stress, improper lubrication, and trouble with cooling.

Vibration analysis investigates irregularities in machine vibration, identifying sources of bearing wear, gear defects, resonance, imbalance, and misalignment. RTS also offers balancing and alignment services to help correct these issues in pumps, gearboxes, and other equipment. Our motor circuit evaluation services check inductive balance, capacitance and resistance to ground, resistive balance, and other key indicators of motor health.

We also conduct passive ultrasonics, monitoring ultrasonic noise to evaluate mechanical and electrical equipment for signs of bearing damage, electrical arcing, pressure vessel leaks, corona, flow issues, and other problems.

RTS offers reliability testing programs to clients needing precise evaluations of their equipment’s current condition. We can apply multiple technologies to get a comprehensive look at machine health.

Trust RTS for Predictive Maintenance

Reliability Testing Services prioritizes the needs of our customers. Our certified experts provide safe, cost-effective services using the testing methods best suited to each client’s specific situation. We have built a reputation of honesty and integrity in predictive maintenance, providing accurate, detailed data to clients in a timely manner. Our experts can answer any questions clients may have regarding testing or data.

If you need to create or supplement a predictive maintenance program, contact us today.

We’re here to help.

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