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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) performs modal response spectrum analysis to determine how structures respond to seismic loads.

What is Modal Response Spectrum Analysis?

Modal response spectrum analysis predicts the seismic response of structures. During the analysis, experts break down a structure’s vibrational behavior into basic vibration modes characterized by specific mode shapes and frequencies. Upon analyzing the mode shapes, engineers can determine how structures will respond to seismic events. The process begins with modal analysis which later helps technicians determine each mode’s response after learning information about its acceleration, displacement, and velocity. Technicians then combine the modal responses to gauge the structure’s likely response.

Our Modal Response Spectrum Analysis Services

Our modal response spectrum analysis experts assess the seismic performance of various structures. We prioritize the practical application of modal response spectrum analysis, so our services help improve our clients’ understanding of the following:

  • Dynamic analysis
  • Seismic design principles
  • Structural performance under earthquake conditions

Why is Modal Response Spectrum Analysis Important?

Modal response spectrum analysis is an essential component of earthquake engineering as it helps manufacturers and engineers create efficient and effective structural designs. Experts can gather information about a structure’s natural vibration modes to forecast its response to seismic events. The analysis offers insights into the deformations and internal forces a structure can withstand during an earthquake. This information helps engineers do the following:

  • Analyze earthquake scenarios to calculate the integrity of the structure’s design
  • Identify a structure’s weaknesses
  • Help manufacturers develop cost-effective solutions regarding material selection
  • Avoid the costly and potentially life-threatening risks associated with structural inefficiencies

Our Vibration Testing Services

Our state-of-the-art vibration testing lab offers additional vibration testing, such as:

We work diligently to offer quick turn-around times, helping our clients minimize unnecessary downtime that may affect their deadlines and goals. Our staff consists of a network of experts from various disciplines and backgrounds, ensuring that our services are competent and thorough. Please submit an online inquiry or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for more information about our vibration testing services.

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