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Reliability Testing Services performs rotary kiln girth gear inspections to help clients prevent major failures or damage to their equipment. Our experts examine gears for various failure modes according to the ANSI/AGMA 1010-F14 standard, identifying potential issues early. Different failure modes suggest distinct root causes of the damage. RTS can identify underlying sources of damage to optimize equipment health and operability.

Our Girth Gear Inspection Capabilities

RTS has multiple technologies available for testing and inspecting girth gears and related equipment. We can determine the most effective and cost-efficient inspection method for each of our client’s particular needs. Our noninvasive technologies include infrared (IR) thermography, which displays real-time imaging of infrared radiation, expressed as heat, in a given area. IR thermography can detect temperature differences smaller than a centigrade degree, evaluating equipment with high accuracy. Areas displaying elevated operating temperatures could indicate underlying problems with the girth gears. Thermography also helps to identify or cross-check issues with oil and alignment.

Our oil analysis capabilities allow us to analyze gear lubricant for evidence of flaws or failures. Oil analysis helps with the identification of several failure modes; wear debris particles, for instance, could suggest surface degradation or corrosion. Problems with the lubricant oil can lead to major issues with the gears. RTS can help protect clients’ equipment using critical data from oil analyses. Our reliability testing programs provide long-term solutions for protecting equipment health. We use multiple technologies to monitor clients’ industrial systems. We can supplement clients’ existing programs with our services for any length of time or create a custom program from scratch. We aim to reduce unexpected downtime and costly repairs through our reliability programs.

Additional Testing Methods

We can provide a wide array of services outside the realm of reliability testing. We have several nondestructive testing services available for girth gears, including magnetic particle, eddy current, and ultrasonic testing. Our NDT methods can detect surface and subsurface flaws and defects. Should a failure occur, our experts in failure analysis can determine the root cause of the issue. Our partnership with experts in numerous fields of testing and inspections allows us to offer fully comprehensive testing services.

About RTS

Reliability Testing Services provides industrial testing and inspections with honesty and integrity. Our main priorities are safety and client satisfaction as we help clients to avoid breakdowns and optimize productivity. RTS experts deliver precise, accurate data and can provide recommendations on necessary repairs and future actions. If you need a provider for rotary kiln girth gear inspections, contact RTS today.

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