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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) conducts calibrations on centrifuges manufactured by Eppendorf, a German company known for its industrial research equipment.

Centrifuge Calibration

A centrifuge is an instrument that uses centrifugal force to separate a mixture’s components by their various densities. As the centrifuge spins, it generates a strong centrifugal force which provides rapid measurements. Centrifuges are revered for their versatility, making them a popular choice in the following applications:

  • Lab Research
  • Chemical Manufacturing
  • Food Processing
  • Environmental Testing

About Our Calibration Lab

Since 1987, our calibration services have helped clients improve and verify the precision of their measuring equipment. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited calibration facilities feature the advanced technology and equipment necessary to calibrate various types of equipment, benefiting a wide range of industries. Our calibrations are NIST traceable, ensuring their accuracy and compliance with industry standards and regulations.

The Importance of Centrifuge Calibration

Centrifuges require recalibration like all other types of measuring equipment. Centrifuges often play essential roles in medical, research, and manufacturing applications, so their inaccuracy can be detrimental to an operation’s success. We recommend that our clients regularly calibrate their centrifuges, which can help them do the following:

  • Verify the accuracy of centrifuges
  • Avoid safety hazards caused by imbalanced rotors
  • Improve an operation’s efficiency
  • Reduce the likelihood of costly repairs or unexpected periods of downtime

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers an expansive network of services that help clients improve the quality of their products and services. We specialize in calibration, inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services, all of which adhere to strict quality standards. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered entity, we have an uncompromising commitment to quality, and we comply with internationally recognized quality standards to ensure that our services are world-class. Please submit an online service request or call +1 (888) 287-5227 to speak with an ATS representative to learn more about our calibration services.

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