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Applied Technical Services offers calibration services for a multitude of equipment, including network analyzer calibration. Our team of experts can help ensure that your network analyzer performs to manufacturer specifications and/or regulatory standards. ATS also calibrates spectrum analyzers.

Companies use network analyzers to measure network parameters within electrical networks. There are several types of network analyzers, but all models typically consist of a signal generator, test set, receiver(s), and display.

Due to their complexity and range of capabilities, network analyzers should be periodically calibrated. If left unmaintained, analyzers can be susceptible to transmission loss, crosstalk, and other issues. Fortunately, ATS’ calibrations department is fully equipped to service your network analyzer. Our technicians will inspect the connectors and cables and properly adjust the analyzer using a calibration method that aligns with your specific needs. Our calibration certificates include As Found and As Left data and data generated in our labs are traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).We service network analyzers from several manufacturers, including (but not limited to):

  • Anritsu
  • AWT Global
  • Copper Mountain
  • GSI
  • Keysight
  • MegiQ
  • Rohde & Schwarz
  • Tektronix
  • Transcom

Online Records

ATS makes calibration records access simple with iPortal. With this secure web platform, clients can quickly access and manage their asset history, certificates, reports, and other records from any location, at any time.

ATS – Your Provider for Calibrations

Applied Technical Services has been providing superior testing and inspection services for over 50 years. In that time, we have earned an excellent reputation for service quality and have assisted clients in a wide range of industries both nationally and internationally. Additionally, our labs operate under our ISO certified quality management program. See our full list of calibration services – network analyzers are just one of the many types of equipment and devices that we service!

Eliminate uncertainties in the operation of your equipment with a prompt and thorough network analyzer calibration. You can expect timely turnaround windows, accurate results, and helpful client support. Contact us today for a free quote. ATS – We take a closer look!

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