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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) provides PosiTector calibrations for a wide variety of DeFelsko gauges. ATS is a reputable firm for calibrations, testing, and inspections.

DeFelsko PosiTectors

The DeFelsko Corporation is a well-established manufacturer of inspection instruments with interchangeable probes. This versatility in function makes DeFelsko products extremely popular in the coating inspection fields.

The DeFelsko PosiTector series enables fast and nondestructive data collection for countless applications. Our clients frequently use PosiTectors for environmental monitoring, quality assurance, and ensuring compliance with national and international regulations. PosiTectors take critical measurements of metallic and non-metallic materials, including aluminum, plastic/polymers, steel, wood, concrete, and composites.

ATS calibrates many PosiTector devices, such as:

  • Coating Thickness Gauges – Use Eddy Current and magnetic principles to determine the dimensions of coats on ferrous and non-ferrous substrates
  • Gloss Meters – Measure how well a substrate reflects light to identify defects and quality issues
  • Infrared Meters – Provide temperature readings without touching a surface
  • Dew Point/Environmental Meters – Indicate multiple environmental factors, such as dew point temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed
  • Surface Profile Gauges – Measure the depths of uneven or textured surfaces before a coat is applied

ATS Calibrations

ATS maintains an accredited calibration laboratory that frequently calibrates mechanical equipment, electronics, and standards. First, the expert identifies and corrects the drift introduced across frequent use. The technician then verifies the equipment’s continued accuracy and compliance.Most industries schedule an annual recalibration as part of a quality assurance or maintenance program. ATS can provide more frequent calibrations for PosiTectors used in extreme industrial environments.

Our accredited labs can take shipments of devices, or we can send an expert to calibrate instruments at a client’s site. The technician who reviews your device will assess whether the readings comply with client and manufacturer tolerances. Our calibration experts compare a client’s device with our NIST-traceable standards and document any damage or flaws discovered during the service.

ATS experts can follow the calibration procedures from ASTM and ISO standards, including:

  • ASTM B244 – Thickness of Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic Metals with Eddy Current
  • ASTM D1400 – Dry Film Thickness of Nonconductive Coatings on Non-ferrous Metal Bases
  • ASTM D523 – Specular Gloss of Non-metallic Surfaces
  • ISO 2813 – Color Gloss Value
  • ISO 7668 – Specular Reflectance and Gloss of Anodic Aluminum Coatings

Calibration Lab

ATS’ calibration lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 procedures (Certificate Number 1888.03). First opened in 1987, our lab has steadily built an exceptional reputation for quick turnaround times (7-10 business days) and thorough reporting available through our secure portal.bus

Industries Served

Many industries rely on accurate measurements to inform business decisions. Calibrations from the ATS FoC empower companies and organizations working in many industries, including:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Products
  • Defense
  • Manufacturing
  • Nuclear

About Us

The ATS Family of Companies (FoC) offers consulting engineering, calibration, inspection, and testing expertise from all corners of the United States. Our highly qualified technicians can travel domestically and internationally to provide services at client locations.

We maintain several calibrations and testing labs accredited from coast to coast. Our labs meet ISO/IEC 17025 requirements for calibrations, mechanical testing, chemical testing, electrical testing, and nondestructive testing accreditation. We satisfy the requirements for calibration laboratories set by ANSI/NCSL Z540-1. Additionally, our services comply with ASME NQA-1, 20 CFR 50 – Appendix B, and 10 CFR Part 21.

Click here to learn more about our accreditations.

Contact Us

To schedule calibration of your PosiTector gauge, call +1 (888) 287-5227 or schedule online through the request form on this page. For more information, check out our other calibration services or call us and speak with a representative.

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