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ATS offers ISO-17025 accredited Fluke Multimeter Calibration services. Fluke is one of the popular brands calibrated by Applied Technical Services.  In many industries, multimeters must undergo testing to ensure received measurements’ accuracy. Proper calibration of measuring tools is vital because they are essential for many companies to achieve success in their processes and production.

ATS – Calibrations Since 1987

Applied Technical Services established ATS Calibration in 1987 and has earned a respected reputation due to services provided by our talented and experienced lab experts. ATS Electronics Calibration is capable of calibrating several commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) tools. Even the most accurate, multi-functional device can be assessed at ATS using certified reference materials. For your testing and measuring equipment, the appropriate calibration department at ATS will provide As Found and As Left data, testing uncertainties, certificates of calibration, calibration labels affixed to equipment and/or containers, and tamper-proof, calibration seals. Our employees are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about testing; our shared mission is to provide clients with high-quality work unmatched in the market. ATS also offers a web-based interface, iPortal, to give customers electronic access to copies of calibration certificates, updates, and due dates for future calibrations.

Types of Multimeters Tested by ATS Include:

  • Handheld
  • Bench-Top

The Functions ATS Tests Include:

  • AC/DC voltage
  • AC/DC current
  • Resistance
  • Capacitance
  • Thermocouple
  • Inductance
  • Power
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