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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers a wide range of electronic calibration services to help clients maintain device accuracy and regulatory compliance.

Electronic Calibration at Applied Technical Services

Our certified electronic calibration experts apply unparalleled expertise to ensure the successful calibration of electronic measurement devices. First, the device being tested will be used to take measurements, the values of which are then compared to the relevant calibration standard. Our experts identify any irregularities and return the device to its intended tolerance. More measurements are then taken to verify the deviceโ€™s accuracy. All calibration reports include thorough, detailed information regarding the deviceโ€™s original performance and condition, any adjustments or repairs made during the calibration, and the deviceโ€™s performance and accuracy following the calibration. Calibration reports are available to clients at all times through iPortal, our electronic interface that provides calibration reports, certificates, and records. Some of our most commonly requested electronic calibration services include:

  • Noise Dosimeter Calibration
  • Radiometer Calibration
  • Power Supply Calibration
  • Multimeter Calibration
  • Sonic Tension Meter Calibration
  • Capacitor Calibration
  • Dielectric Tester Calibration
  • Charge Amplifier Calibration

Other Calibration Services

Our certified calibration experts perform services in our Electrical Testing, Mechanical Testing, Environmental Testing, CT, Avionics, and Dimensional Inspection laboratories, as well as in the field with on-site calibration services for equipment and machinery that cannot be transported. Some of our most popular calibration services include:

  • Multimeter Calibration
  • Oxygen Meter Calibration
  • Meter Proving Services
  • Omega Flow Meter Calibration
  • Pressure Meter Calibration
  • On-Site Meter Calibration

ATS also performs calibration services by establishing an embedded calibration lab inside client facilities, offering convenient, in-house calibrations to limit service interruptions and minimize downtime.

Applied Technical Services: We Take a Closer Look

With over 35 years of calibration experience, Applied Technical Services is proud to be the regionโ€™s most well-established electronic calibration services provider. Beyond our advanced calibration laboratory and on-site calibration services, ATS provides testing, inspections, compliance, and certification services for some of the countryโ€™s most prestigious businesses and organizations. We adhere to an ISO 9001:2015 registered quality management system, are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited in several fields, and feature an expansive service network of laboratories and testing facilities to provide our clients with convenient locations around the country. Give us a call at 1 (888) 287-5227 or submit a request form today for additional information or a free quote.

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