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ATS helps clients through NDT outages and turnarounds, smoothing the inspection processes and minimizing downtime. Our technicians are certified to SNT-TC-1A. We provide these services effectively to clients in the pulp and paper, utilities and chemical industries because we understand how specialized the production process has become and how demanding the outage environment can be.

Tanks, Pressure Vessels and Piping Systems

Through the use of automated ultrasonic thickness crawlers, continuous thickness scans can be performed on the shell of carbon steel tanks and vessels, as well as piping systems. This inspection data is presented in a graphical format that can include minimum wall thickness calculations in accordance with a variety of standards such as API-653. ATS employs an experienced staff of API -653, API-510, and API-570 certified inspectors.

Paper Machine Inspections

ATS uses fully automated thickness crawlers capable of on-line velocity adjustments to compensate for changes in acoustical properties inherent in the casting process. This allows for an accurate thickness scan across the full length of a dryer can. Internal visual examination of paper machine dryers is one of the most efficient and effective methods of inspection. During a visual inspection, the condition of internal components along with areas of shell thinning and grooving can be determined.

Magnetic particle inspection of the heads and journals of paper machine dryers, along with ultrasonic soundness inspection of the bolts are performed to find minor defects and cracks before they become major problems.

Boiler Inspection Services

Fast, cost effective boiler surveys are performed by highly trained, experienced personnel using state of the art ultrasonic data loggers. Liquid penetrant inspection of composite tube material is performed to identify damaged areas, while non-ferrous coating surveys determine the overall thickness of the composite material. On-site reporting is provided to give you quick, accurate results. Data analysis and trending are also available.

Near Drum Inspections

ATS offers the latest technology in Ultrasonic inspection of Boiler Tubes At or Near the Drum intersection. Our near drum inspection system will provide a c-scan of the tube thickness from approximately 3″ outside the drum to as much as 1″ inside the drum.

Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS)

Our inspectors use a method called internal rotary inspection system (IRIS) to assess the internal condition of pipes and tubes. The probe is made of a rotating mirror that directs an ultrasonic pulse around a helical path, yielding a comprehensive scan of the interior as technicians pull the probe through the length of tubing. IRIS gives ATS technicians a view of various flaws and defects that may lurk inside a tract of tubing such as cracks, corrosion, and pitting. Wall thickness measurements are highly accurate and can give readings on metal loss either inside or outside of the tubing. Furthermore, this method offers inspectors a versatile tool in their examination, as it works regardless of the material.

Common Methods Used

Industries Served

Standards / Qualifications

  • NAS 410
  • CP189
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