Our highly trained technicians are certified in IAW SNT-TC-1A, NAS 410 & CP189. Some of our most common NDT services include liquid penetrant testing (PT), magnetic particle testing (MT), eddy current testing (ET), ultrasonic testing (UT), radiography testing (RT), and visual testing (VT). We also provided more advanced NDT methods like ultrasonic phased array testing, computed digital radiography testing, and computed tomography testing.
Traditional and Advanced Methods
Digital Radiography
- Electronics
- Composites
- Elongated Voids
- Hot Tears
- Slag Inclusions
Eddy Current
- Conductive Materials
- Heat Damage Detection
- Heat Treatment Inspections
- Materials Identification
- Stress Corrosion Cracking
Ground Penetrating Radar
- Concrete Cutting
- Coring Experts
- PT Cables
- Rebar
- Utilities
Industrial Computed Tomography
- 3D Models
- Generates CAD Data
- Minute Flaw Detection
- Volumetric Measurements
Liquid Penetrant
- Cracks
- Fractures
- Metals
- Plastics
- Porosity
Magnetic Particle
- Castings
- Cracks
- Embrittlement
- Forging Laps
- Welds
Phased Array
- Flaws in Structural Metals
- Laminations and Seams
- Pin Holes in Welds
- Slag Inclusions
- Stress Corrosion Cracking
- Cold Laps
- Concrete X-Ray
- Longitudinal Cracks
- Porosity
- Steel Structures
- Tungsten Inclusions
- Hydrogen Flakes
- Inclusions
- Incomplete Fusion
- Shrinkage Cracks
- Stringers
Ultrasonic Thickness
- Ceramic Materials
- Coating and Lining
- Corrosion Loss
- Materials Thickness
- Wall Measurements
Visual Testing
- Fillet Weld Size
- Improper Weld Height
- Studs
- Suck Back
- Surface Cracks