The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) provides SF6 gas analysis services that evaluate the quality of SF6 gas. Gas analysis is an essential service across various industries where gases are needed to optimize production and develop and improve technologies and materials. However, gases can create hazardous conditions, so businesses use third-party labs such as the ATS FoC to determine if a gas is pure, safe, and effective at its intended application.
What is an SF6 gas and an SF6 Gas Analyzer?
Sulfur hexafluoride, also known as SF6, is an odorless synthetic gas commonly used in electricity distribution and transmission. The greenhouse gas is often present in medium and high-voltage equipment as it serves as insulation for live electricity, allowing the electrical current to be turned on and off. The gasโs prominence in the electrical industry has made it a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, so businesses use SF6 gas analyzers to evaluate various characteristics of their gas.
An SF6 gas analyzer is adept at determining the quality of SF6 gas, as it provides measurements for the gasโs composition and composition. Portable analyzers offer a convenient way for technicians to conduct analysis in the field whereas lab analysis can greatly improve the accuracy of the gas analysis.
About Our SF6 Gas Analysis Services
Our SF6 gas analysis services assist our clients as they seek to comply with industry standards and regulations while ensuring that their SF6 gas provides insulation as expected. Our gas chromatography experts acquire samples and carefully examine their quality and purity, making notes of any signs of contamination or degradation. Our services identify SF6-related issues that may be responsible for decreased efficiency and increased maintenance expenses.
Why is SF6 Gas Analysis Important?
SF6 gas analysis is an effective way to sustain the functionality and reliability of medium and high-voltage electrical equipment. By verifying the purity of SF6 gas, technicians can easily detect leaks and contamination that may comprise the gasโs ability to insulate electrical components. Failure to regularly conduct gas analysis may result in the following:
- Comprised insulation which may increase the likelihood of equipment failure
- Noncompliance with regulations
- Potential safety issues for employees and visitors
Contact Us
Please consider the ATS Family of Companies for your SF6 gas analysis needs and submit an online request or call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more.