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Applied Technical Services conducts crack propagation testing to evaluate the reliability and safety of various materials. We analyze a sample’s crack growth rate to determine a material’s resistance to crack propagation, allowing us to provide an in-depth analysis of a material’s ability to perform specific tasks.

What is Crack Propagation?

Crack propagation, or crack growth, refers to the lengthening, widening, or increase in cracks on the surface of a material. Several factors contribute to crack growth, including:

  • Additional Loads
  • Corrosion
  • Fatigue
  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Metallurgical Structure
  • Poor Maintenance
  • Product Design Flaws
  • Repetitive Expansion Cycles
  • Repetitive Shrinkage Cycles
  • Thermal Stresses

ATS’ Crack Propagation Testing

Crack growth can severely compromise the integrity, performance, and safety of equipment and materials, so crack propagation testing is an important tool that can accurately assess a material’s ability to perform a specific application safely. When conducting crack propagation tests, ATS technicians initiate a fatigue crack in a material’s surface that emulates natural cracking. Our experts then utilize our advanced fatigue testing machine that subjects samples to a repeated loading and unloading force, allowing our technicians to measure the fatigue crack growth rate. We work closely with clients to develop testing standards that fit their needs while offering testing capabilities that align with common SAE and ASTM standards, including ASTM E2899.

More About Our Fatigue Testing Services

Applied Technical Services offers fatigue testing services that evaluate the performances of materials in testing conditions that simulate real-world applications. Our engineers have decades of experience in the field and can perform life cycle testing for various applications and industries. Our lab is solution-oriented, and our technicians deliver satisfactory services that help our clients ensure that their products and materials perform as intended.

Our Fatigue Testing Machine Capabilities 

  • Temperature Range: Ambient to 1000°C
  • Load Capacity: 2lbs to 55 Kip

About Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services provides professional inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services to companies in various industries worldwide. In our 55 years of business, ATS has garnered a reputation for high-quality services, polite and professional staff, and our commitment to constant improvement and growth. We house numerous ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited labs that offer specialized services in various disciplines, including mechanical, chemical, and nondestructive testing. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 to speak with an ATS representative about our crack propagation testing and other fatigue testing services.

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