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Applied Technical Services’ fatigue crack growth rate testing services determine the cracking rate experienced by materials under specific conditions.

What is Fatigue Crack Growth?

Crack growth, or crack propagation, is the cracks’ widening, lengthening, and expansion on a material’s surface. Crack growth can comprise a structure’s load-carrying capacity and render a material useless. Several factors can cause crack propagation, including: 

  • Changes in Temperature
  • Corrosion
  • Fatigue
  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Poor Maintenance Practices
  • Product Design Flaws
  • Repetitive Expansion / Shrinkage Cycles

Why is Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Testing Important?

Fatigue crack growth rate tests subject materials to repeated loading and unloading cycles to evaluate their reliability and safety. Our testing services simulate real-world applications and reveal information about the material’s fatigue limit and life while observing the material’s resistance to crack propagation. Failure to evaluate a material’s strength and life expectancy can result in the failure of products and infrastructure, expensive repairs, and unsafe conditions for consumers and other personnel.

Our Fatigue Crack Growth Testing Services

ATS technicians use a specialized fatigue testing machine to conduct our fatigue crack growth rate testing services. Our technicians create the initial fatigue crack so our machine can subject materials to repeated loading and unloading cycles that accurately simulate real-world applications.

Our Fatigue Testing Machine Capabilities 

  • Temperature Range: Ambient to 1000°C
  • Load Capacity: 2lbs to 55 Kip

More About Our Fatigue Testing Services

ATS’ highly trained fatigue testing technicians conduct testing services in accordance with ASTM standards and develop testing procures that meet the specifications and demands of our clients. Our experts have decades of experience in various disciplines and incorporate their extensive knowledge of mechanical testing and engineering to solve our clients’ challenges. Our life cycle testing services benefit numerous industries, including aerospace, construction, consumer products, and manufacturing. For the convenience of our clients, we conduct services promptly and provide clear and accurate reports that detail our findings.

About Applied Technical Services

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services provides quality consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services. We’ve maintained our core values of service excellence, employee safety, professionalism, and financial strength over our 55-year history as we remained committed to improving and expanding our services. We are an ISO 9001:2015 registered management system, and our labs are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, so our practices adhere to strict, nationally recognized standards of quality.

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