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Along with our other mechanical testing services, Applied Technical Services offers fatigue crack growth testing. ATS can verify whether your materials and equipment meet applicable industry standards by testing them in our advanced testing laboratories. Additionally, among our fatigue testing services, we also offer crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) testing.

Taking a Closer Look at Fatigue Crack Growth

The formation of cracks as a result of fatigue can severely compromise materials and equipment, posing a threat to businesses that rely on components to perform safely and reliably. Cracking can be caused by any one or a combination of factors, such as manufacturing defects and the use of inadequate materials. Businesses often turn to third-party testing labs like ATS to evaluate the real-life performance of their materials and equipment. Fatigue is a type of progressive failure that can cause cracks to propagate in a material. Due to cyclical loading conditions, these cracks can initiate and propagate from loads that are lower than the material’s yield strength. Fatigue crack growth testing, also called crack propagation testing, can determine a component’s ability to withstand failure as a result of fatigue and provide insight into its remaining fatigue life.

Common Factors Related to Fatigue Cracking:

  • Environmental Factors
  • Inadequate Materials
  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Material Defects
  • Poor Maintenance
  • Product Design Issues

To execute a fatigue crack growth test, our technicians initiate a starter fatigue crack in the material that resembles a natural crack. They then use a specialized fatigue testing machine to subject the material to a repeated loading and unloading force, measuring the fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR). Our lab has ­a wide range of testing capabilities, from common ASTM and SAE standards to fully custom specifications.

ATS Fatigue Testing Machine Capabilities:

  • Temperature Range: Ambient to 1000°C
  • Load Capacity: 2lbs to 55 Kip

ATS – The Preferred Testing Service Provider

When searching for a reputable testing service provider, look no further than Applied Technical Services. For decades, ATS has been assisting clients across numerous industries both nationally and internationally. One of the most important company values throughout our history remains to be providing excellent service quality. As such, our labs operate according to proven scientific and engineering principles as well as stringent standards under our ISO certified quality management program. Additionally, our clients can expect short turnaround windows, detailed reporting, and helpful client support.

Call us today to learn more about fatigue crack growth testing and to receive a free quote. In addition to fatigue testing, we also offer failure analysis, chemical analysis, and metallurgical analysis. ATS — We take a closer look!

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