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Applied Technical Services offers creep rupture testing for various materials such as metals and alloys. Once materials reach a certain temperature threshold, they “creep” or permanently deform. This testing procedure analyzes a material’s performance while under thermal and physical stress over extended periods of time. Creep rupture testing is imperative to understanding a material’s potential failures under extreme long-term stress.

The EDS Procedure

Creep rupture testing involves applying a constant stress load to a specimen at a specified temperature until failure. The temperature of this test can reach up to 1200 °C or 2192 °F. Typically, metal specimens begin to show signs of creeping around one-third of their melting temperature, but the test continues until the specimen ruptures. Our experts analyze data points taken throughout the process to evaluate the material’s time-to-failure performance. The amount of creep or deformation that occurred is also measured and evaluated to calculate how that material could change while in service.

ATS Metallurgy Laboratory

The metallurgy lab at Applied Technical Services has the capabilities to provide creep rupture testing. ATS professionals routinely perform metallurgic testing and inspections to analyze various properties of metals, composites, and ceramics. Our complete range of metallurgy testing services can be applied to quality assurance, failure analysis, litigation support, and reverse engineering. We offer a litany of additional metallurgic testing services, including:

  • Corrosion
  • Fractography
  • Material Identification
  • Macroscopic Evaluation
  • Microscopic Evaluation
  • Weld Testing

Our experts conduct all metallurgic testing services to the following specifications and standards:

  • ASTM B487
  • ASTM E3
  • ASTM E112
  • ASTM E18
  • ASTM A247
  • ASTM E384
  • ASTM B748
  • ASTM E10

Quality Assurance

For a little over 50 years, Applied Technical Services has provided outstanding service to all our clients. Thanks to our ISO 9001:2015 registered corporate quality management program, we ensure that all your needs are met. Our labs promise quick turn-around times with detailed and accurate reporting. Our experts remain ready to answer any additional questions a client may have, even after service has concluded. Applied Technical Services can handle all your creep rupture testing needs. Contact us today to receive a free quote! We Take a Closer Look!

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