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Applied Technical Services inspects fall protection equipment according to Cal OSHA fall protection requirements. Employee safety is a priority, especially while working at heights. Cal OSHA requirements, which apply to the state of California, differ from the federal standards but are equally strict regarding safety. ATS can assist clients and ensure that their fall protection equipment can reliably meet Cal OSHA standards.

Fall Protection Inspections

ATS provides testing and inspections for a wide variety of fall protection equipment, including:

Most active fall protection equipment requires an inspection at least once a year, depending on applicable codes and standards. The professional engineers at ATS have experience inspecting equipment according to Cal OSHA and  numerous other standards, such as ANSI, OSHA, ACME, IWCA, and NYSDOL. We offer several types of inspections to satisfy all our clients’ needs, which may include:

  • Visual Inspections
  • NDT Inspections
  • Operational Inspections
  • Structural Inspections
  • Mechanical Inspections
  • Load Testing and Certification

Our experts search for mechanical damage, corrosion, cracking, and other defects that may affect safety in a fall protection system. These experts make recommendations for maintenance and repair actions based on the results of their inspections. We can also establish a routine inspection schedule to maintain standard compliance and equipment reliability.

Quality Service with ATS

Applied Technical Services provides inspections, testing, and consulting engineering services to clients around the globe. Our variety of specialists prioritize customer and user safety while providing high-quality customer service. With decades of experience, we can ensure that all work is completed quickly and efficiently. We connect clients to relevant, engaged experts who recommend the most effective solution for their needs. We deliver clear, accurate data, and our experts remain available to clients who have additional questions.

If you need a Cal OSHA fall protection inspection, contact ATS today.

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