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Importance of Fall Protection Measures

Applied Technical Services helps owners and managers of commercial real estate buildings and industrial facilities by employing horizontal lifeline fall protection systems to ensure the safety of elevated access workers. Workers performing repair and maintenance duties in fall risk areas account for the majority of workplace fall injuries and deaths in the United States. Because of the danger involved, intense regulations and industry standards set requirements for fall protection systems to prevent these accidents from happening. Facility owners and managers reach out to experienced consulting engineering providers like ATS to help them ensure their fall protection system’s safety and regulatory compliance.

Types of Horizontal Lifeline Fall Protection Systems

Horizontal lifelines, a component of a larger fall protection system, keep elevated access workers safe by tethering them to a cable line secured to a stable structure using anchor points. These anchors are permanent installations and can be configured in a variety of ways based on the surface they allow workers to access. The following represent the most common:

  • Roof Lifelines
  • Anchors mounted to the roof of a facility with low or no parapet walls
  • Used to ensure safety when inspecting or performing maintenance actions on the roof near unprotected edges of a commercial or industrial property
  • Can be designed as fall restraint (prevents falls from happening) or fall arrest (provides safety to personnel if a fall takes place)
  • L- and T-Style Columns
  • Anchors mounted from overhangs on rows of free-standing columns (thus its nickname, gallows-style columns)
  • Used primarily in railyards and bus depots to facilitate inspection of large transport vehicles
  • Allows elevated access workers to traverse the roofs of this equipment safely by securing them from a line running overhead
  • Crane Rail Horizontal Lifelines
  • Anchors are either mounted next to a walkway high above the ground or on the top of the overhead crane itself
  • Used to allow workers to access, inspect, and perform maintenance on overhead crane rails
  • Keeps inspectors and maintenance workers attached to a line run along either a wall or walking surface to restrain falls if they should occur

Each of the above types may come with improved safety features such as a hands-free design, which removes the need to detach themselves from the line to move past the anchor points. Although the above list represents some of the most common configurations and uses, clients will find that ATS’ commercial services team has experience with a variety of others as well.

ATS’ Relevant Services

Our consulting engineering division provides a range of services to help clients with their horizontal lifeline systems. We offer solutions to assist customers through every phase of implementing and maintaining an effective and compliant fall protection system, including the following:

Design and Installation

  • Our team of registered Professional Engineers (PE’s) designs horizontal lifeline systems relevant to the needs of the client facility
  • These experts ensure the anchorages, connectors, and cables comply with manufacturing and performance requirements set out by ANSI/ASSP Z359 – Fall Protection Code, 29 CFR OSHA 1910.140, and 29 CFR OSHA 1910.28
  • Every system design bears one of our PE’s stamps, approving it for implementation
  • ATS technicians also install system elements under the supervision of one of our registered PE’s

Testing and Certification

  • Initially installed systems require certification before they may be used by personnel
  • Our commercial services team performs field testing to confirm that the system safely supports the forces outlined in its design
  • Passing systems are cleared for use with our PE’s certification report, stamped with their approval

Inspection and Recertification

  • For existing systems, ATS performs inspections and recertifications to keep client systems compliant with pertinent regulations and industry standards
  • Our team offers annual inspections in compliance with ANSI/ASSP Z359
  • ATS PE’s recommend any action items to ensure the continued safe use and compliance of the system

Maintenance and Repair

  • Any findings reported by PE’s will also come with recommendations on how to remedy the issue
  • Furthermore, our commercial services technicians can help clients repair or replace any element of their system to prepare it for use once again

About Applied Technical Services

Since our founding in 1967, Applied Technical Services has offered consulting engineering expertise to clients in need. The past five decades have allowed us to grow our company’s catalog of services to include testing, inspections, training, calibrations, and forensic investigations. While ATS may have begun as a trio of engineers serving local clients from their office in the founder’s basement, we now employ over 1,000 specialists from a variety of fields to aid businesses operating in countries around the world. Our fall protection services in general (and those related to horizontal lifeline systems specifically) primarily benefit clients in the commercial real estate and construction industries.

Our Commitment to Quality

ATS maintains a set of protocols to provide clients the best possible experience working with our company and thus a reason to choose us again in the future. Our commercial services group returns detailed, accurate, timely reporting to enable our clients to make informed decisions concerning their fall protection systems. We employ a team of customer service ambassadors who receive client outreach and facilitate a connection with the most applicable staff member. PEs remain accessible and responsive to clients contacting them with questions, ensuring they feel their needs are heard as they actively work to solve our customer’s problem. If your facility needs commercial services related to a horizontal lifeline system, or any other fall protection project, reach out to ATS today regarding a free quote — We take a closer look.

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