Page for Posts: 47549
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Before a commercial building owner can put their rope descent system into service, OSHA 1910.27 certification states the responsible party must have their roof anchors tested and properly certified. Over the last 50 years ATS has earned an excellent reputation amongst property owners for their Fall Protection Services. Our experienced Licensed Professional Engineers design, test, certify and inspect systems that meet OSHA, ANSI, ASME, IWCA, CAL OSHA and NYSDOL Standards. Our goal is to help your organization prevent accidents and to protect personnel.

OSHA 1910.27 Certification Process

  • Anchors must be load tested and certified that they can support 5,000lbs
  • A Licensed Professional Engineer must complete the certification process
  • Initial commissioning needs to take place with recertification every 10 years
  • The inspection and compliance requirements must be documented by Nov 20, 2017

ATS expertise can help you protect your investment by providing the following services:

Customer Service Representative, Ready to Help Direct You to the People Who can Help

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