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ATS conducts fall protection equipment inspections according to various standard fall protection inspection requirements. Employee safety is important in every workplace, but elevated work sites add a heightened sense of urgency to the matter. OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, requires fall protection systems for working environments higher than four feet above the ground. Fall protection systems must be properly maintained to provide a sufficient level of safety continually and reliably.

Our Inspection Capabilities

Applied Technical Services can provide inspections and certifications for many types of fall protection systems and components, such as:

  • Roof anchors (welded, through-bolt, bolt-around, adhesive, and cast-in-place)
  • Personal fall arrest systems
  • Horizontal lifelines
  • Vertical lifelines
  • Ladders

Most equipment must undergo inspections at least once a year, depending on the applicable standard or code. Our professional engineers inspect equipment according to numerous standards, including OSHA, , ANSI, IWCA, ASME, Cal/OSHA (for the state of California) and NYSDOL (for the state of New York). Different standards have varied but equally strict guidelines for maintaining fall protection equipment. We also offer other types of fall protection equipment services , such as:

  • Visual Inspections
  • Personal Fall Arrest Equipment Inspections
  • NDT (Nondestructive Testing) Inspections
  • Structural Inspections
  • Operational Inspections
  • Mechanical Inspections
  • Load Testing & Certification

We check each system and component thoroughly for defects such as cracking, corrosion, mechanical damage, and other potential flaws that could cause a safety risk. Our experts recommend appropriate repair and maintenance actions based on their inspection findings. ATS can also establish a regular inspection schedule, ensuring continued system integrity and standard compliance.

Our Expertise

Applied Technical Services is a multidisciplinary engineering services provider comprised of specialists from a wide variety of industries. We provide clients around the globe with expertise in commercial and industrial inspections, testing, and consulting engineering. Aside from customer and user safety, ATS prioritizes customer service, ensuring that our experts are accessible to clients who need clarification on the results or status of their requested services. We deliver clear, detailed, accurate reporting as quickly as possible.

If you need to meet fall protection inspection requirements, contact ATS today.

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