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Fall Protection Systems and Inspection Requirements

Applied Technical Services offers fall protection inspections to OSHA standards, helping building owners and managers comply with safety regulations. While keeping employees safe is important in any workplace, elevated work sites bring a different level of urgency to this concern. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers maintain a fall protection system in working environments of higher elevation than 4 feet from the ground. Buildings fall under these requirements and are thus required to feature elements including personal fall arrest systems, roof anchors, horizontal lifelines, guard rails, davit systems, self-powered platforms, BMUs, monorails, and trolleys, as deemed appropriate to their design by a Professional Engineer. Maintaining these elements takes regular inspection efforts to verify their condition and continued safety. ATS’ Professional Engineers perform these types of fall protection inspections to help clients achieve and maintain OSHA compliance.

How We Help Clients Maintain OSHA Compliance

OSHA inspections — required upon installation and then once every subsequent year or once every subsequent ten years, depending on the elements used in the system — keep fall protection systems safe for operation. Our team of Professional Engineers regularly performs OSHA-compliant inspections on client fall protection systems, bringing cumulative decades of relevant experience to verify compliance quickly and efficiently. These experts go over the entirety of the client’s systems and assess them for any corrosion or damage present. They outline any necessary maintenance or repair actions in their report upon completion. The ATS commercial services division works with all elements of customer fall protection systems, ensuring that they meet all requirements before authorizing further use.

About ATS

Applied Technical Services has delivered our consulting engineering expertise to clients in the metro Atlanta area since our founding in 1967. The intervening years have seen our company grow exponentially; no longer a fledgling firm of three engineers confined to their shared office in our founder’s basement, ATS now comprises dozens of locations around the United States offering a wide array of services to clientele operating in countries all around the world. We provide excellent customer service as a policy to ensure that our clients have a reason to work with us again in the future. To that end, we:

  • Ensure engineers return detailed, clear, and accurate reporting
  • They do so within a short turnaround period
  • Empower clients to make timely and informed decisions
  • Make available a team of customer service ambassadors
  • They field clients who bring questions about their inspection
  • Facilitate contact with most relevant staff member
  • Allow personnel to receive client inquiries
  • These subject matter experts remain accessible to customers
  • Answer their questions quickly and accurately

If your building requires inspections for OSHA compliance on your fall protection system (and chances are that you do), contact ATS today — We take a closer look.

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