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Permanent Roof Anchor Installation, Planning, Designing and Testing

Applied Technical Services develops roof anchor designs and performs high quality installations to clients in a wide range of industries all over the world. Our staff of passionate and dedicated Professional Engineers (P.E.) develop roof anchor designs that meet a large number of conformance standards including OSHA, NYSDOL, ANSI, CAL OSHA, IWCA, and ASME. Above all else, we continually strive to deliver superior quality, state-of-the-art roof anchor systems to all of our clients at the highest possible value, giving them the benefit of having a practical solution they know they can trust.

Designing Plans

At ATS, our design and planning process for permanent roof anchor installation is incredibly thorough, allowing us to design a custom solution to meet the unique challenges that your business faces. All of our products are manufactured in the United States to the highest quality standards, and we offer inspections, testing and certifications of all new and existing systems.

ATS Expert Services

We provide engineering services for compliance so that you can be confident that you minimize risk. Our engineers are experienced, hands-on field professionals who you can count on. Just a few of the steps that we’ll take to help guarantee a satisfactory outcome for our clients include:

  • A Comprehensive Site Inspeciton
  • A Detailed Structural Review
  • Roof Safety Analysis
  • Safety System Conception Layout
  • Engineered Design
  • Proposal

ATS Quality

The high quality permanent roof anchor installation services provided by ATS enable the suspension of all platforms and fall protection anchorages that you may be working with. Our passion, coupled with our decades of experience, give us the ability to work with any type of commercial building or industrial structure that you may need. We approach every project diligently like the unique situation it is, allowing us to determine the best course of action to take to help you accomplish all of your goals.

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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