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ATS offers various methods of roofing fall protection. Roofing conditions present various dangers that increase the chances of a deadly slip, trip, or fall at a worksite. Common fall hazards on a roof include:

  • Edges
  • Holes
  • Ledges
  • Skylights
  • Damaged roofing material
  • Ineffective fall protection systems
  • Sloping and slippery surfaces

High winds, precipitation, and other weather conditions can exacerbate the dangers. ATS mitigates these fall hazards through employee training, site improvement, and the design and installation of fall protection systems. ATS has years of experience navigating regulations for construction and worker safety from organizations such as:

Fall Prevention Services

A fall prevention system blocks access to a hazardous location. We can install a system of guardrails around the perimeter to physically stop people from falling over the edge. Falls do not just endanger the falling person; they also threaten people below with falling debris and equipment. Toe boards at the bottom of a guardrail can provide additional fall prevention for small objects.

Fall Protection Systems

ATS also designs and fabricates fall protection systems, which restrain workers from falling over an unprotected ledge. Unlike fall prevention systems, they do not stop a worker from accessing the hazardous area, only plunging to the next surface. Two major examples of fall protection systems are anchors and horizontal lifelines.

We can help create a personal fall arrest system (PFAS), a type of fall protection system that provides the last chance to catch a falling person. In this system, a worker wears a harness attached to a roof anchor with a lanyard. The anchor supports the workerโ€™s weight while the lanyard restricts movement, so the worker cannot fall and hit a surface below. We can tailor our designs to your specifications and install the fall arrest system as a temporary or permanent fixture.

Fall Hazard Training and Evaluations

The best way to avoid a roofing fall is to eliminate the danger. A fall hazard evaluation from ATS identifies potential risks in a worksite and construction activities. During an evaluation, an ATS technician takes thorough records that form the basis of a safety plan. To save time and money long-term, consider enrolling your staff in fall hazard evaluation training. Experienced ATS personnel can teach your crew to:

About ATS and the Family of Companies

Applied Technical Services puts safety first in all our consulting engineering, calibration, inspection, and testing services. We value our customersโ€™ time and resources, which is why our staff of expert engineers and qualified technicians strives to provide high-quality customer service with accurate testing and a quick turnaround rate.

We appreciate our small business customers because we were once a small business ourselves. ATS was founded in 1967 by three engineers who wanted to pursue new and innovative testing solutions. Today, we have expanded our staff across the nation. We have developed a family of companies to reach clients in most states.

ATS and our Family of Companies operate numerous labs throughout North America. Our super lab in Marietta, Georgia, is capable of a spectrum of material and mechanical testing under A2LA and NADCAP accreditation. To learn more about our industry accreditations, click here.

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete the form on this page for roofing fall protection services from ATS.

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