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ATS provides lifesaving fall hazard training so workers can identify potential dangers and maintain fall protection and arrest systems. Fall hazards contribute to many preventable workplace deaths and injuries. Avoid tragedy and liability with a comprehensive training program so workers understand how to recognize and solve hazards on the worksite.

Fall Hazard Training Workshops

ATS’ competent personnel offer training workshops that cover fall hazard identification. Falls may occur from an unkept worksite, improper protection equipment, and the work environment itself. ATS teaches workers how to recognize the fall hazards prevalent in their worksites, such as:

  • Roofs
  • Scaffolds
  • Skylights
  • Wall openings
  • Portable ladders and stairways
  • Ramps, runways, and walkways
  • Unprotected sides and edges

We explain common types of fall protection systems, including passive fall arrest systems and personal fall arrest systems. We also instruct workers on how to use these fall protection systems. This includes how to correctly don protective equipment, such as a harness in a lifeline system. We train workers to examine their personal equipment for life-endangering frays, cuts, and deformities. Both employers and workers must follow a written procedure for discarding deficient and damaged equipment.

Deficient anchorage equipment and attachment joints are incredibly dangerous. Critical injuries and death can result from attachment joint failure or the use of anchorage equipment that cannot handle the required loads. Learning to recognize hazards such as these is critical to maintaining a safe work environment.

Fall Hazard Systems

In addition to training, ATS offers fall hazard assessments from our experienced professionals. Our representatives will inspect a worksite for existing and potential hazards, then design a fall protection system tailored to address the needs of the environment and workers. ATS can also create and install fall protection, prevention, and arrest systems.

Fall Prevention Systems

A fall prevention system eliminates fall hazards from a worksite. This may involve erecting a barricade between a worksite and a fall hazard or the designation of a controlled access zone.

Fall Protection Systems

If the fall hazard cannot be eliminated, OSHA recommends the installation of a fall protection system. Fall protection systems provide freedom of movement for workers. For instance, we can install guardrails along a wall opening to protect workers from falling over the edge without restricting their access to the rest of the site.

Fall Arrest Systems

If fall hazards cannot be eliminated or prevented, we can install fall arrest systems to both save a worker from plummeting to the ground and decelerate the fall before life-threatening injuries can occur.

Fall arrest systems can be passive or personal. A passive fall arrest system “catches” a fallen worker without a harness. One common passive fall arrest system is a mesh net placed below elevated workers or a padded cushion for workers close to the ground.

A personal fall arrest system (PFAS), otherwise known as a lifeline, consists of an anchor, anchor connector, body wear, and a connecting device. The anchor attaches to the roof or the edge and must be strong enough to support the weight of the worker, the equipment they may carry, and the force they create when falling. The worker wears a protective device, such as a full body harness, and a connective device that allows the worker vertical and horizontal movement away from the anchor.

 For more information on our fall protection services, click here.

Applicable Standards

Fall protection training follows OSHA mandates for construction and non-construction industries. OSHA’s fall protection standards include:

  • 1926.501 and 1926.502 – for construction industries
  • 29 CFR 1910 – Subparts D, F, I, and R –for non-construction industries
  • 29 CFR 1915 – Subparts E and I – for maritime industries
  • 29 CFR 1917 – Subparts B, E, F – for maritime industries
  • 29 CFR 1918 – Subparts C, D, H, I, J – for maritime industries

About ATS

At ATS, we value high-quality customer service, prompt results, and thorough reporting. We perform tests, inspections, and analyses customized to meet our clients’ needs. Additionally, our expert engineers, scientists, and technicians can provide nondestructive, mechanical, electrical, and chemical testing in our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited laboratories.

Founded in 1967, ATS has expanded its capabilities to reach clients nationwide. The ATS Family of Companies continues to provide excellent service and customized solutions to new and familiar clients in multiple industries.

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete the request form on this page for fall hazard training from ATS.

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