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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) is a reputable failure analysis company capable of determining the root causes of various types of failure.

What is Failure Analysis?

Failure analysis is the process of evaluating a failed product to determine the factors that led to the product’s failure. Failure analysis experts use a diverse range of tactics and processes to assess why a product, or specific components of the product may not be performing as expected.

About Our Failure Analysis Services

As an esteemed failure analysis company, we take pride in our ability to provide comprehensive failure analysis services on a variety of products and materials. We regularly perform failure analysis on numerous types of materials, including:

  • Aluminum
  • Copper alloys
  • Stainless Steel
  • Titanium

Our failure analysis services are effective at identifying issues related to the following types of problems:

  • Corrosion
  • Design defects and flaws
  • Environmental effects
  • Fatigue
  • Fractures
  • Overloading

The failure analysis process is extremely detailed, so businesses must trust the labs that conduct failure analysis services on their behalf. Our lab is led by highly trained experts who have decades of collective experience in chemistry, metallurgy, engineering, and various other disciplines. The diverse educational backgrounds of our staff, help ensure that our services are well rounded and thorough.

Why is Failure Analysis Important?

While it may be unwanted, product and material failure are inevitable, so many manufacturers use the occurrence of failure as a learning opportunity to help them improve their products and processes. A careful examination of the root causes of a product’s failure can help do the following:

  • Enhance a product’s safety by reducing
  • Reduce the costs associated with production stoppages and recalls
  • Prevent future failures

About the ATS Family of Companies

The ATS FoC is a network of established companies specializing in inspection, testing, consulting, and calibration services. We are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, and our state-of-the-art labs are well-maintained to ensure that we produce accurate and reliable results. We understand the importance of our clients’ deadlines, so we take pride in our ability to meet deadlines, helping to minimize any unnecessary downtime. For more information about our capabilities as a failure analysis company, please submit an online request or call +1 (888) 287-5227.

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