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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies features advanced environmental testing facilities and laboratories, providing Consumer Product Weather Testing and a variety of other consumer product testing services.

Weather Testing for Consumer Products

Consumer Product Weather Testing is a type of accelerated aging test that uses environmental chambers to simulate the effects of long-term exposure to the elements. This type of testing is used to assess the durability of consumer products, including furniture, appliances, and electronics.

During consumer product weather testing, samples of the product are placed in an environmental chamber that will create conditions similar to those the product would be exposed to in its typical operating environment, such as sunlight, rain, and wind. The samples are exposed to the environmental conditions for a period of time, up to weeks or even months. During the exposure period, the samples are monitored for changes in physical and mechanical properties, color, and appearance.

Consumer product testing is a valuable tool for accurately predicting the durability of products before they reach consumers. By subjecting samples to accelerated aging and weathering, manufacturers can identify potential problems before they occur in the field. This can help to improve the reliability and longevity of products. The process of this type of testing typically involves:

  • Environmental Chamber Preparation: involves configuring the temperature, humidity, and UV radiation levels within the chamber according to the desired conditions.
  • During Product Exposure: the items under examination are positioned inside the environmental chamber and exposed to the predetermined conditions for a specified duration.
  • Product Evaluation: entails examining the products for any alterations in color, appearance, physical attributes, and mechanical properties.
  • Data Analysis: involves scrutinizing the evaluation data to ascertain the impact of the weathering and aging conditions on the products.
  • Reporting: a comprehensive and meticulous report is provided to the client, encompassing all gathered data, elucidating the findings, and offering recommendations.

The specific details and requirements of the testing procedure may vary, contingent upon the test’s specific criteria and relevant testing standards. Numerous factors are considered when designing an age test, including but not limited to:

  • Intended Product Use
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Standard Product Operating Conditions
  • Product Type
  • Product Materials
  • Manufacturing Method

Additional Environmental Testing Services at ATS

ATS’ environmental testing division simulates and accelerates these effects using a variety of advanced equipment. Our lab offers access to everything from walk-in thermal chambers to free-fall drop testers to seismic shakers. Furthermore, we can fabricate custom fixtures to either perform accelerated life cycle testing or facilitate other methods of analysis.

Applied Technical Services

ATS has built a strong presence in the industry over the course of 55 years, driven by our unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service, accurate reporting, and unparalleled service quality. Our experienced team of environmental testing specialists combines their expertise with cutting-edge technologies to deliver superior value while ensuring uncompromising quality and reliability.

We cater to a wide range of industries, including automotive, building and manufacturing, military and defense, aerospace, power generation, oil and gas, aviation, and nuclear. Equipped with the necessary resources, knowledge, skills, and expertise, Applied Technical Services is ready to meet and exceed your testing and analysis needs.

Contact Us

Submit a request form on this page or call 1 (888) 287-5227 to receive a free quote for Consumer Product Weather Testing.

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