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Our Seismic Testing Lab

Seismic qualification testing is used as a safety requirement for failure prevention and continued operation. Our seismic testing facility is in full compliance with performing seismic qualifications in accordance with IEEE 344, AC-156 and GR-63-CORE requirements.

The Triaxial Seismic Shaker

Our seismic tests are conducted using the triaxial seismic shaker to meet seismic qualification and safety compliance and requirements. Our seismic shaker is capable of testing for structural integrity and component/instrumentation functionality.

ATS’ state-of-the-art seismic shaker offers an available footprint of 36″x36″ with a grid of 1/2″ — 13 tapped holes on 4″x4″ pattern and is rated at 10,000 lbf load with a peak displacement of 12 Inches P-P (+/-6″). With three independent simultaneous axes of motion (x, y, z translation) it performs at a rated velocity of 52 IPS. The system is capable of operating in the frequency range of 0.5Hz-100Hz with the ability to provide an excitation up to 150 Hz for resonance searches.

In addition to our seismic testing solutions, our competitive advantage over other seismic testing providers with respect to scheduling, efficiency and cost enables our clients to focus on other critical issues.

Our Testing Capabilities

  • Fully Compliant with IEEE 344, GR-63-CORE, AC-156
  • 3 Independent Simultaneous Axes of Motion (X,Y,Z translation)
  • Independent High-Speed DAQ Systems for Chatter Monitoring (64 Channels)
  • Table Size of 36″x36″ with Grid of 1/2″ – 13 Tapped Holes on 4″x4″ Pattern
  • Actuators Rated at 10,000 lbf
  • Rated Velocity of 52 IPS
  • Peak Displacement of 12 Inches P-P (+/-6″)
  • Frequency Range of Operation 0-100 Hz with Ability to Operate Up to 150 Hz for Purposes of Resonance Searches
  • State of the Art PC-Based Digital Controller (Vibration Research) and 12 Channels of Piezoelectric Accelerometers

High-Quality Services

ATS Maintains Compliance with the Following QA Standards:

  • ANSI/ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements
  • 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements
  • 10 CFR 21 Requirements for the Reporting of Non Conformances
  • ISO/IEC 17025 Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

The ATS Difference

Applied Technical Services, established in 1967 is a leading environmental simulation testing company with comprehensive seismic testing capabilities serving a variety of industries with numerous components and requirements. We provide clear, detailed, and accurate reporting within a quick turnaround window. ATS technicians emphasize remaining engaged, accessible, and responsive during the testing process to ensure a positive client experience.

If your company needs seismic qualification testing services, contact ATS today — we take a closer look!

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