Page for Posts: 47549
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Current post ID: 4749
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The post type is: testing-and-analysis
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American entities are consistently losing money to the direct effects of corrosion โ€” lost production, repair costs, legal fines, and others โ€” to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Many business owners dismiss these losses as unavoidable, but studies have shown that taking appropriate measures can minimize corrosion and mitigate the associated costs.

Corrosion Testing Methods Performed on Components and Materials

Applied Technical Services uses our corrosion testing capabilities to help clients determine the best methods and materials to use in their fight against corrosion. Our services include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • 48 Hours or Less
  • Chrome Plated Components
  • Nickel Plated Components

Condensing Humidity

Salt Spray

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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