Page for Posts: 47549
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By accelerating and intensifying environmental conditions, it is possible to predict how products will perform during their lifetime. ATS has the capability to conduct a wide variety of simulated weathering and artificial aging tests.

We have computer controlled environmental simulators and accelerated aging test chambers for conducting temperature/humidity cycling, thermal shock and ultraviolet and solar simulation tests (Fluorescent UV and Xenon).

ATS’ Testing Capabilities

Our national and international customers have come to rely on ATS’ state-of-the-art lab to give dependable and reliable test results. The lab is equipped with the latest and most advanced equipment. Some of our most common projects include High and Low Temperature Exposures, Thermal Shock, High Humidity, Thermal Cycling and Contamination by Fluids in accordance with Military Standards. In addition, we perform Xenon Arc and Fluorescent U.V. Weathering per automotive specifications. Many times ATS is called upon to perform unique projects involving custom fixtures (fabricated in-house) and mixed environments. We frequently serve many industries including automotive, manufacturing, textiles, and military with our accelerated weathering testing services.

Common Tests Include

Applicable Standards

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