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Applied Technical Services is an advanced high temperature testing lab capable of exposing products and machinery to extreme conditions to verify quality, safety, and industry standard compliance.

What is High Temperature Testing?

A temperature testing lab monitor’s a products durability and performance when it is exposed to extreme temperatures. When a product or piece of equipment is frequently exposed to significant temperature changes, this can ultimately lead to damage and even failure of the item itself or its components. This damage often occurs where different types of materials meet and can cause cracks or other damage that weaken structural integrity. In order to prevent this, manufacturers submit their products to temperature testing laboratories to undergo temperature testing, ensuring their products possess the resilience to meet industry standards and operational requirements.

Common Temperature Testing Applications

  • Thermal Shock Resistance Assessment
  • Reaction to Temperature and Humidity Assessment
  • Heat Aging
  • Thermal Coefficient Mismatch Assessment
  • Thermal Expansion Rate Assessment

Testing Lab Features and Capabilities

The temperature testing lab at ATS is capable of subjecting products to temperatures ranging from -60°C to 170°C and varying degrees of humidity in our 14 thermal cycling chambers. Other capabilities include:

  • Ramp Rates up to 7.5°C per minute (Thermal Cycling)
  • Walk-In Units for Large Samples and Quantities
  • Thermal Shock Testing

High Temperature Testing Standards

The ATS thermal testing lab conducts testing in accordance with the following standards:

  • BMW TS 308 (Accredited by the A2LA)
  • GM9505P2 (Accredited by the A2LA)
  • IEC 68-2-30 (Accredited by the A2LA)
  • PrV303 (Accredited by the A2LA)

ATS also performs provides high temperature testing lab services according to client-requested specifications.

Applied Technical Services

With over fifty years of experience, Applied Technical Services is the national leader of industrial testing and engineering consulting services. ATS is ISO 9001:2015 registered and holds several ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditations from the A2LA, serving clients in several different industries and disciplines around the world. Our highly trained high temperature testing lab experts adhere to a comprehensive quality assurance program, ensuring accountability for the quality of services we provide and promoting an environment where we may continually improve that quality. Our lab technicians provide accurate, punctual reporting while our responsive customer service team keeps communication channels open to relay important information between clients and testing personnel. Contact us today to request a free quote for high temperature testing lab services.

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