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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies features advanced environmental testing labs and facilities, offering Consumer Product Age Testing and a variety of other services.

Age Testing for Consumer Products

Consumer Product Age Testing is used to assess the durability of consumer products over time. This type of testing is typically conducted by exposing products to accelerated aging conditions, such as high temperatures, humidity, and UV radiation. We subject materials and products to a wide range of accelerated age testing procedures and methods, with a process that involves:

  • Sample Selection: A representative sample of products is selected for testing. The sample size will vary depending on the type of product and the specific requirements of the test.
  • Environmental Chamber Preparation: The environmental chamber is prepared by setting the temperature, humidity, and UV radiation levels to the desired conditions.
  • Product Exposure: The products are placed in the environmental chamber and exposed to the desired conditions for a predetermined period of time, ranging in duration from hours to weeks.
  • Product Evaluation: The products are evaluated for changes in color, appearance, physical properties, and mechanical properties.
  • Data Analysis: The data from the evaluation is analyzed to determine the effects of the aging conditions on the products.
  • Reporting: A thorough, detailed report of all data is provided to the client, including explanations of all findings as well as recommendations.

The details and specifications of testing will vary depending on the specific requirements of the test and applicable testing standard(s). Some common factors that are considered when designing an age test include:

  • Product Type
  • Manufacturing Method
  • Product Materials
  • Intended Product Use
  • Standard Product Operating Conditions
  • Regulatory Requirements

Additional Environmental Testing Services at ATS

In addition to Consumer Product Age Testing, some of our most commonly requested environmental testing services at ATS include:

Applied Technical Services

With a robust history spanning over 55 years in the industry, ATS is dedicated to upholding and surpassing our esteemed reputation by prioritizing exceptional customer service, accurate reporting, and unmatched service quality. Our team of skilled environmental testing specialists brings extensive experience to each project, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to provide optimal value while maintaining uncompromised quality and dependability.

ATS serves a diverse range of industries, including automotive, building and manufacturing, military and defense, aerospace, power generation, oil and gas, aviation, and nuclear, equipped with the requisite resources, knowledge, skills, and expertise to meet your testing and analysis needs.

Contact Us

To benefit from the expertise of Applied Technical Services, don’t hesitate to reach out to our professionals today. You can submit a request form on this page or call 1 (888) 287-5227 to receive a complimentary quote for Consumer Product Age Testing.

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