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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies performs Hot Lamp Age Testing to assess the durability of materials, components, and products.

Hot Lamp Testing

Hot lamp testing is a type of accelerated age testing that uses high-intensity lamps to simulate the effects of long-term exposure to sunlight. This type of testing is particularly useful to verify the strength and effectiveness of plastics, paints, and adhesives. During this process, samples of the subject material or component are placed under a set of high-intensity xenon or tungsten-halogen lamps, typically operating at temperatures of 100-200 °C (212-392 °F).

The samples are exposed to the lamps for a predetermined period of time, ranging in duration from hours to weeks. During this exposure period, the samples are monitored for changes in color, appearance, and physical properties. The samples are also tested for changes in their mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and modulus of elasticity.

This testing method is valuable for predicting the durability of materials and components. By subjecting samples to accelerated aging, manufacturers can identify potential problems before they occur in the field. This can help to improve the reliability, longevity, and safety of products, as well as to avoid potential product recalls.

Additional Environmental Testing Services

In addition to Hot Lamp Age Testing, some of our most commonly requested environmental testing services at ATS include:

Applied Technical Services

With a rich history of more than 55 years in the business, ATS is committed to upholding and surpassing our well-earned reputation by ensuring exceptional customer service, accurate reporting, and top-notch service quality. Our team of environmental testing experts brings decades of experience to every project, employing cutting-edge technologies to deliver maximum value without compromising on quality and reliability.

Serving clients across a wide spectrum of industries, including automotive, aerospace, power generation, aviation, nuclear, oil and gas, building and manufacturing, military, and defense, ATS possesses the necessary resources, knowledge, skills, and expertise to meet your testing and analysis requirements.ย 

Contact Us

Reach out to the professionals at Applied Technical Services today by submitting a request form on this page, or call 1 (888) 287-5227 to request a complimentary quote for Hot Lamp Age Testing.

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