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The Sun’s Effects on Outdoor Products

Applied Technical Services performs xenon arc testing to help clients determine their productโ€™s resistance to environmental stimuli such as heat, moisture, and solar radiation. Outdoor products notoriously degrade over time: painted siding cracks and chips, while the colors of lawn furniture fade noticeably quickly the longer they remain in the back yard. These phenomena are just some of the numerous effects of the sunโ€™s rays. Although our star emits energy of every type from the electromagnetic spectrum, most of it is filtered through Earthโ€™s atmosphere, with primarily infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet (UV) rays making their way to the surface. This combination of energy produces a variety of effects, ranging from aesthetic changes such as color fading to mechanical changes such as weakening coatings. Manufacturers trust their outdoor products to third-party testing specialists, such as ATS, to verify how their samples react under accelerated sunlight testing.

Our Xenon Arc Testing Capabilities

ATSโ€™ environmental testing division performs the xenon arc method using advanced weathering testing equipment. These instruments produce solar spectrum radiation by using a xenon bulb. Our technicians can expose the sample directly, which mimics uninterrupted sun exposure, or through a pane of glass, which replicates the conditions incurred by automotive interior materials. By also controlling the chamberโ€™s temperature and relative humidity, our technicians can faithfully reproduce day and night cycles to determine how products will react under these circumstances. Our instrumentation can even simulate rain by introducing water spray to validate how they perform under thermal shock.

We perform xenon testing to a long list of standards, the full extent of which you can read here. The following reflects our most requested specifications, as well as the list of xenon arc testing services for which we maintain ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation through the A2LA:

  • ASTM G155
  • ASTM D7869
  • ASTM D6695
  • ASTM D2565
  • ASTM D4459
  • ASTM D4355
  • SAE J2527
  • SAE J2412
  • SAE J1885
  • ISO 4892-2
  • VDA 75202

About ATS

Since our founding in 1967, Applied Technical Services has differentiated ourselves from other service providers by continually expanding our scope of expertise. We are no longer the trio of engineers crowding into a shared office in our founderโ€™s basement to serve local businesses; we now employ over 1,000 technicians, inspectors, calibrators, scientists, Professional Engineers, trainers, and forensic investigators to answer the needs of clients operating around the globe. We perform all xenon arc testing services in our Marietta lab, performed under the scope of our ISO 9001:2015-registered quality management system. ATS upholds a stringent customer service standard, taking the following steps to ensure our clients enjoy the best possible experience working with us:

  • Our technicians return accurate and detailed reporting more quickly
  • Giving our clients the knowledge and the chance to make informed, timely decisions about their product
  • We maintain a roster of customer service ambassadors who field calls from clients
  • These experts gather information and facilitate contact with the most applicable staff member
  • Subject matter experts remain accessible to clients with questions
  • These responsive professionals clear up any confusion about the status or results of client testing

Your products will have to face the sunโ€™s effects over their service life; let ATS help determine how ready they are to stand the test of time.

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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