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Applied Technical Services performs product life cycle testing to help determine a sample’s potential failure characteristics in a relatively short period of time. By continually exposing components to the stresses, environmental conditions and forces expected to act on it when in normal service, our lab can reproduce the type of damage it stands to sustain over its lifetime. ATS can then use this information to extrapolate the duration for which the product or component can be expected to continue working as intended.

Also referred to as accelerated life cycle testing, this type of product analysis benefits manufacturers by revealing structural faults and shortcomings in components much more quickly than would occur in normal usage. Because the demands of each test will vary according to both the sample being tested and the manufacturer who produced it, ATS largely performs this method in accordance with client specifications as opposed to standardized procedures. Depending on the needs of the client, our environmental testing division exposes samples to either a specified number of cycles or however many it takes for the component to fail. Our lab often utilizes custom fixture fabrications to ensure that the sample undergoes numerous identical cycles that replicate anticipated service conditions. After testing, ATS technicians confer with clients regarding their findings and can advise them on how to use our data to make their sample product or component more durable.

Our environmental testing division performs a variety of other test methods that can reveal additional information relevant to the life cycle of a product, including the following:

ATS: A Trusted Testing Partner

Since our founding in 1967, Applied Technical Services has provided testing, inspection, and consulting engineering capabilities of the highest quality. We have grown substantially in the intervening 50+ years — from doing small jobs for local businesses out of our founder’s basement to performing services for multinational companies operating all around the world with our 950+ workforce consisting of engineers, chemists, scientists, investigators and technicians. Among the array of industries ATS regularly serves, those that most benefit from our expertise in testing the life-cycle of components and products include the following:

  • Aerospace
  • Renewable Energy
  • Automotive
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Communications
  • Power Generation
  • Consumer Products
  • Oil/Gas
  • Defense/Military
  • Nuclear
  • Healthcare/Medical
  • Manufacturing

Prioritizing Quality

The environmental testing group performs all life cycle testing services in accordance with ATS’ strict quality assurance procedures. To ensure that we consistently produce services we can be proud to provide our clientele, we registered our quality management system to ISO 9001:2015. This accolade designates ours as a testing and analysis lab that operates according to a program acknowledged by the International Organization for Standardization. Their auditors affirm not only that ATS’ procedures comply with internationally recognized principles on effective quality management practices, but also that our technicians competently apply these principles when providing services to our clients.

Some of the measures that we take to improve the customer experience include:

  • Guaranteeing our experienced technicians return detailed, accurate, and clear reporting within a short turnaround period to enable clients to make timely yet informed decisions regarding the results of their testing
  • Empowering customer service representatives to receive questions from clients about the status or results of their analysis and facilitate contact with relevant testing personnel
  • Ensuring our testing experts remain accessible to clients with queries, responsive to their needs, and engaged when helping them to reach a solution to their problems

If your company needs product life cycle testing, contact ATS today — We take a closer look!

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