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Applied Technical Services performs product reliability testing for clients who need to determine the durability and failure characteristics of their components. By subjecting parts to numerous, identical cycles of forces and environmental conditions that replicate those it will encounter in service, our lab can simulate the damage they stand to incur over the course of their lifetime within a span of weeks, days, or even hours. ATS then helps clients use this data to achieve their quality assurance goals by maximizing the reliability of their product.

Also known as accelerated life cycle testing, our environmental testing division uses this method early in the development cycle to help clients discover defects or design flaws that ultimately undermine the long-term reliability of the product. The expeditious nature of the method gives clients the advanced warning they need to make any necessary adjustments before too late in the production process.

About the Method

Typically, each product reliability testing plan that we develop is unique because they are developed specific to the product and its intended use. ATS’ environmental testing division fabricates custom fixtures to apply identical cycles of pressures, stresses, and environmental agents that best mirror those the sample will endure in service. Our technicians perform this method according to client specifications to yield results relevant to their individual design process. They can either run the sample through a specified number of cycles or continuously until it fails — whichever is more relevant to the client’s testing needs. ATS can then discuss findings with clients and help them decide how best to improve the product’s durability.

ATS: Product Reliability Testing You Can Trust

Applied Technical Services has offered testing, consulting engineering, and inspections capabilities of the highest quality since our founding in 1967. During the 50+ years since then, we have grown from a small firm aiding local businesses out of our founder’s basement to a national company with hundreds of employees that serve clients operating in countries around the world. From among the long list of industries that we regularly serve, the following benefit most from our capacity as a product reliability testing provider:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Communication
  • Consumer Products
  • Defense/Military
  • Healthcare/Medical
  • Manufacturing
  • Nuclear
  • Oil/Gas
  • Power Generation
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Renewable Energy

Quality is Our Priority

Each of our product reliability testing services is performed in accordance with our quality assurance policy. To ensure that we only provide clients with the highest level of service that we can be proud of, ATS registered its quality management system to ISO 9001:2015. By doing so, we indicate to customers that we take quality quite seriously — attaining this recognition means that a third-party group of auditors affirm that our lab’s testing procedures align with the internationally recognized standard outlining quality assurance best practices.

ATS takes certain steps to provide the most positive customer experience that we possibly can. Our experienced technicians return clear, detailed, and accurate reporting within a quick turnaround window to ensure our clients have the actionable information they need to make timely, informed decisions. Furthermore, we employ a team of customer service representatives who are always available to respond to clients that are reaching out with questions about the status or results of their testing. These professionals facilitate contact with the most relevant testing personnel, allowing customers to receive assistance. Our knowledgeable technicians are accessible to clients with questions, responsive to their needs, and engaged when helping them secure solutions to their problems.

If your company needs product reliability testing services, contact ATS today — We take a closer look!

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