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At its core, random vibration analysis and testing is designed to simulate the effect that a real world environment will have on a particular component as accurately as possible. This is accomplished by placing an item onto highly advanced vibration control equipment, at which point multiple frequencies are tested at the same time. This allows a highly qualified team of technicians and engineers to simulate vibrations that may be caused by different events like transportation, and standard operational events.

Our Services

ATS’ random vibration analysis technology is able to accurately simulate the types of vibrations a material may receive in a number of unique and varied environments, including but not limited to excitations such as:

  • Rough Handling
  • Transportation Vibrations

All of this ushers in the most important benefit of all: providing you with actionable, accurate data that you can use to determine how your materials will stand up in a real world environment, allowing you to exceed customer expectations and conform to all applicable quality assurance standards.

Quality Assurance Standards

At ATS, all of the random vibration analysis services that we offer are fully designed in conformance with all applicable QA standards in the industries that we operate in. These include standards such as ISO/IEC 17025 Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (in which we are also A2LA Accredited), ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements, and 10 CFR 21 Requirements for the Reporting of Non Conformances.

Additionally, we also meet all 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standards.

The ATS Method

At Applied Technical Services, we have over 50 years of experience in terms of environmental testing and help organizations just like yours accomplish their goals. In that time we’ve proudly served a host of different industries including clients in the military sector, aerospace, automotive, nuclear, medical equipment, electrical engineering and beyond. Above all else, the primary goal of our highly trained staff is to provide accurate and comprehensive reporting at all times. We have a Quality Assurance Program that is second-to-none in the industry.

Contact Us

If your organization is in need of random vibration analysis services and you’re looking for a trusted provider who you know can get the job done properly, please contact Applied Technical Services today. 

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