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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers Defelsko calibration services to ensure the accuracy and reliability of Defelkso coat thickness measurements, such as the PosiTector 6000.

What is the Defelsko PosiTector 6000?

The PosiTector 6000 is a highly capable coating thickness measurement instrument known for its simple yet durable design. The handheld gauge measures the thickness of protective coatings, ensuring the coatings meet the manufacturer’s standards and comply with regulations. It features 25 interchangeable probes that improve versatility when evaluating the thickness of various types of protective coats, such as:

  • Non-conductive and conductive coatings
  • Non-ferrous and ferrous coatings
  • Non-magnetic and magnetic coatings

Our Defelsko Calibration Capabilities

Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration lab has the state-of-the-art equipment needed to deliver prompt and competitively priced solutions to clients in various industries. Our employees recognize the importance of maintaining calibrated equipment, so we work diligently to ensure that our clients’ coating thickness gauges function properly.

Why is It Important to Calibrate Coating Thickness Measurement Instruments?

Many industries rely on aesthetics, performance enhancements, and added protection provided by paint coatings. A coating’s effectiveness is heavily dependent on its thickness, which is why it’s essential to maintain properly calibrated coat thickness measurement instruments. Accurate coating thickness measurements help our clients do the following:

  • Ensure substrates receive a sufficient layer of protection
  • Determine how long a coating will be effective
  • Identify and resolve coating inconsistencies
  • Maintain satisfactory levels of quality control
  • Optimize the coating application process

Failure to properly calibrate a coating thickness could result in the following:

  • Over and under application of protective coating
  • Quality control issues that decrease consumer confidence and product satisfaction
  • Premature product/equipment failure and other safety concerns

About Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services provides calibration, consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services for businesses in various commercial industries. In our over 55 years of business, we’ve continued to invest in our staff and facilities, ensuring that we expand and improve our services for the benefit of our clients. Please complete and submit the request form on this page or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for further information regarding our Defelsko calibration services.

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