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Our Calibration Services

Applied Technical Services performs pressure relief valve calibrations in addition to our other calibration services. Our experienced technicians can ensure that your relief valves operate safely while complying with applicable industry design codes.

Certain industries use pressure relief valves to safely release excess pressure from tanks and piping systems. However, these valves should be periodically calibrated due to the less than desirable environments that these systems typically operate in. Improperly adjusted valves can potentially pose a safety risk to personnel and result in added costs for your business. For this reason, many businesses seek out third-party calibration labs like ATS to properly calibrate their pressure relief valves. ATS has decades of experience in performing calibration services for our clients.

Online Records

We make online records access simple with the iPortal secure web platform. Clients can instantly retrieve and manage calibration certificates, asset history, and reports.

Distinguished Quality Assurance

At ATS, we consistently work according to defined processes through our ISO certified quality program. All data we collect in our calibration labs is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Additionally, our calibration certificates include As Found and As Left Data.

ATS Quality Standards

  • ISO/IEC 17025 Competency of Testing Calibration Labs
  • 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear
  • 10CFR21 Reporting of Non-Conformances
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
  • ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements
  • NCSL Z540-1 Calibration

Calibrations for Multiple Disciplines

About Us

Applied Technical Services is committed to offering a wide range of services with a high standard for quality. We know the importance of periodic calibrations when managing high-pressure systems. If you are searching for pressure relief valve calibration services from a reputable company, call us today. Each one of our departments offers quick turnaround times, detailed reporting, and helpful client support. ATS – We take a closer look!

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