Applied Technical Services frequently conducts height gage calibration in our state-of-the-art calibrations lab. Our experts are familiar with a variety of manufacturers and types of height gages. Ensuring that client height gages produce accurate readings is essential to any dimensional measurement project. Our professionals can guarantee that a client’s height gage remains properly calibrated by performing their services compliant with stringent standards and specifications.
ATS Calibration Labs
The ATS calibration lab is a state-of-the-art, environmentally controlled room capable of generating high-precision readings. The lab maintains a constant temperature of 68 °F (within +/- 2.0 °F) and a resting humidity of 30-55% as deemed appropriate for calibrating different subjects. Furthermore, the lab floor contains isolation joints that dampen vibrations that could interfere with the calibration process.
ATS Quality Assurance
Applied Technical Services has been providing calibration services for more than 50 years. We dedicate ourselves to providing the highest quality customer service for our clients. All calibrations performed include As-Found and As-Left Data and are traceable to the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST). Our lab is ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO/IED 17025 accredited to perform height gage calibration.
Additionally, we make calibration certificates, asset history, due date reports, and current asset status available online 24/7 through our web-based client portal.
Contact Applied Technical Services to request your free quote for your height gage calibration needs.