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Applied Technical Services performs cable tensiometer calibration, wire tension meters and other calibration services. Our calibration department helps verify and correct cable tensiometer accuracy so our clients can maintain safe and consistent operation while complying with applicable codes and standards.

Cable tensiometers – also called wire tension meters – measure cable tension and typically display the subsequent reading on a dial scale. Businesses rely on tensiometers to be accurate, as incorrect tension measurements can pose a safety risk for personnel and potentially damage equipment. Cable tensiometers can become less accurate as a result of physical damage, over-stretching of the internal spring, and spring corrosion. Our experts use standardized weights to adjust tensiometer equipment to their proper specifications.

Online Records

All client calibration records are available on the iPortal web platform. iPortal allows you to quickly and securely access calibration certificates, asset history, status updates, future calibration and recall dates.

Trusted Quality Assurance

At ATS, one of our core values is upholding a high standard for quality. We center our services on measurable objectives, defined processes, and rigorous standards under an ISO certified quality program.

ATS Quality Standards

  • ISO/IEC 17025 Competency of Testing Calibration Labs
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
  • ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements
  • 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear
  • 10CFR21 Reporting of Non-Conformances
  • NCSL Z540-1 Calibration

ATS Calibration Services

Since 1987, Applied Technical Services’ calibration department has been a preferred provider of calibration services for multiple industries. Our highly trained and certified experts can help you maintain accurate operation of your precision equipment. Additionally, each one of our calibration departments is accredited to ISO 17025 by A2LA.

Contact us today for more information about our cable tensiometer calibration services. We always offer accurate results, detailed reporting, and helpful client support. ATS – We take a closer look!

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