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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) provides professional ultrasonic flow meter calibration services.

What is an Ultrasonic Flow Meter?

Ultrasonic flow meters use acoustic vibrations to measure a liquid’s flow rate. There are two primary types of ultrasonic flow meters: transit time and Doppler. Operating under the Doppler Effect principle, Doppler ultrasonic flow meters measure the velocity of fluids. Transit time ultrasonic meters measure the time difference between the first and second transmitters receiving the ultrasonic signal. Ultrasonic flow meters offer several benefits, including:

  • Versatility
  • Minimal maintenance requirements
  • Less expensive than mechanical meters
  • Sustainability for larger pipes

Our Ultrasonic Flow Meter Calibration Services

Our advanced calibration labs offer a wide range of services, enabling us to calibrate various types of flow meters from an extensive list of manufacturers. Our highly trained calibration experts calibrate the following types of flow meters:

  • Air flow meters
  • Gas flow meters
  • Liquid flow meters
  • Humidity and dew point calibrations
  • Temperature calibrations

Our calibration ranges are as follows.

Gas Flow

  • 1 sccm – 25,491cslpm

Liquid Flow

  • 1 ccm – 700 gpm

Air Velocity

  • 0.5 m/s – 35 m/s


  • 1.7 psi – 1,000 psi


  • -80 °C – 95°C

Why is it Important to Calibrate Flow Meters?

Regular calibrations ensure flow meters yield reliable results as accurate as the manufacturer’s specifications suggest. Despite their initial accuracy, flow meters become increasingly inaccurate as they age. Fortunately, our calibration services ensure that our clients’ flow meters perform as expected.

Our Commitment to Quality Services

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services has greatly expanded in its 55 years of business. As we continue to improve our services and grow our capabilities. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered entity, we remain committed to continually improving our services as we work to provide solutions to our clients’ ever-evolving needs. We meet the needs of our clients by providing the following:

  • Accurate data
  • Engaged and informative staff
  • Quick turnaround times
  • Regulation-compliant services

Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit a web request form for additional information regarding our ultrasonic flow meter calibration capabilities.

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