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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) provides bolt tension gauge calibration services. Our team of calibration experts ensures that our clients’ bolt tension gages remain accurate after repeated use.

What are Bolt Tension Gauges, and How are They Used?

A bolt tension gauge is a device designed to measure a bolt’s tension. The gauge ensures the bolt’s tightness is sufficient for the intended application. Bolt tension gauges ensure the accuracy, reliability, and safety of bolts, and they’re commonly used in manufacturing, construction, and aerospace applications.

Bolt tension gauges help to prevent the complications that occur when a bolt has the incorrect tension or is over or under-tightened. Bolt tension is essential to consider when determining the integrity of bolted joints. Failure to maintain the correction bolt tension could comprise a product’s safety, leading to the following complications:

  • Loosened Joints
  • Reduced Load Carrying Capacity
  • Seal Damage
  • Thread Stripping

What are Bolt Tension Gauge Calibrations, and Why are They Needed?

Bolt tension gauge calibrations help technicians and manufacturers as they verify or restore the accuracy of bolt tension gauges. In preparation for calibration, technicians inspect the device for damage and clean it to guarantee it is in good condition. During the calibration process, technicians apply force to the bolt and compare the readings from the bolt tension gauge to a reference instrument’s readings. Our technicians recognize the gauge as calibrated if the readings are within the accepted range of results.

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services FoC provides high quality inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services that benefit various industries. We carefully curate our services to address clients’ unique needs while ensuring our solutions comply with industry standards and regulations. To ensure the satisfaction of our clients, we offer the following:

  • Competitive Prices
  • Quick Turn-Around Times
  • Informed and Engaged Staff
  • Regulation-Compliant Services

The ATS FoC is an IS0/IEC 17025 certified company that follows strict quality standards to ensure our testing and calibration labs provide reliable results. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit an online request form to speak to an ATS representative about our bolt tension gauge calibrations.

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